14.2 Configuring Fulfillment

Identity Governance provides three default options for fulfillment targets for provisioning the changeset items from a review: Identity Manager automated, Identity Manager workflow, and Manual (a user or group). You can also integrate and automate Identity Governance fulfillment with your service desk system by adding and configuring a connector, or fulfillment type, to your service desk system in Identity Governance Fulfillment Configuration.

Identity Governance supports the following fulfillment types:

  • Active Directory LDAP

  • BMC Remedy Incident

  • CSV

  • eDirectory LDAP

  • Generic HTTP

  • Identity Manager Dxcmd Fulfillment for Active Directory

  • REST Service

  • ServiceNow Generic

  • ServiceNow Incident

  • ServiceNow Request

  • SOAP Service

NOTE:Before you configure a fulfillment target with either an Active Directory LDAP fulfillment type or an eDirectory LDAP fulfillment type, you must ensure Active Directory collects the attributes required for fulfillment. To verify Active Directory or eDirectory LDAP collection, log into Identity Governance and then click Data Sources > Application Definition Sources.

For more information, see:

14.2.1 About Fulfillment Types

Identity Governance includes fulfillment types for various service desk products to enable fulfillment integration with your incident management applications. When you connect to an application for fulfillment, you must configure the connector to map the data fields in the change item to the input fields of the application. In a typical service desk environment, all systems and applications that the service desk manages are input as configuration management items.

Identity Governance exposes the following data fields from each changeset item to the fulfillment target connectors:


A long value containing the internal change item number

changeSetId (optional)

A long value containing the internal changeset number


A string value containing one of the following values:
















fulfillmentInstructions (optional)

Instructions the reviewer and request approver provided for the fulfiller


Data item mappings and definitions that are passed through from request workflow to fulfillment workflow


Display name of the user that is the target of the change item

account (optional)

Identifier of the account

accountLogicalId (optional)

Logical system identifier of the account. This only applies to Identity Manager SAP User Management driver accounts.

accountProvId (optional)

The collected identifier that indicates the unique ID of the account


Name of the application to which the permission being provisioned belongs

fulfillerName (optional)

Name of the fallback fulfillment user


Generated description of the action being requested by the change item


Display name of the reviewer who requested the change


Name of the permission being provisioned


Name of the target permission attribute being modified

permProvLogicalId (optional)

Logical system identifier of the permission being provisioned. This only applies to the Identity Manager SAP User Management driver permissions.

permProvId (optional)

The collected unique provisioning identifier of the permission

reviewReasonId (optional)

The internal long value for the reason

reviewReason (optional)

The reason text

userProfile (optional)

Attribute to provide context to the fulfiller on the recipient of the fulfillment item

requesterProfile (optional)

Attribute to provide context to the fulfiller on the requester of the fulfillment item

accountProfile (optional)

Attribute to provide context to the fulfiller on the account if the fulfillment item is an account

permissionProfile (optional)

Attribute to provide context to the fulfiller on the permission if the fulfillment item is a permission

The following shows a sample change item payload:

    "accountProvId": "d2a293ff-71c5-492f-9415-e08830b635b2",
    "changeItemId": 8300,
    "changeRequestType": "REMOVE_PERMISSION_ASSIGNMENT",
    "userName": "Abby Spencer",
    "accountName": "aspencer",
    "account": "CN=Abby Spencer,OU=Users,OU=MyServer,DC=mydc,DC=mycompany,DC=com",
    "appName": "Money Honey Financials",
    "reason": "REMOVE_PERMISSION_ASSIGNMENT remove permission Marketing Portal requested by Aaron Corry while certifying Money Honey Financials",
    "requesterName": "Andrew Astin",
    "permName": "Marketing Portal",
    "permProvAttr": "member",
    "permProvId": "e07db779-5c30-44d2-bc0c-6dfa30cfa6af"

Fulfillment types use preconfigured templates that map the Identity Governance change item data and application-specific static values into various attributes in the SOAP XML payload. The WSDL from your service catalog request management application indicates any value constraints for input fields. The fulfillment target service can populate all valid fields in the service desk interface, so if you want to extend the set of fields that the Identity Governance template populates or modify the default mappings of the template, contact your Micro Focus technical support representative for details.

The service parameters and other fulfillment target configuration fields vary, depending on the fulfillment type selected for a fulfillment target, and Identity Governance provides default values for many of the fields, but you can choose to customize field values.

For example, the “BMC Remedy Incident” fulfillment type uses the HPD_IncidentInterface_Create SOAP service Helpdesk_Submit_Service method for creating incidents in the Remedy application. For example, http://your-service-host/arsys/WSDL/public/your_server/HPD_IncidentInterface_Create_WS. In addition, Fulfillment Item configuration mapping displays the fields listed in the table below.

BMC Remedy Incident Field

Identity Governance Mapping


“User Service Request” (required)


“Direct Input” (required)


“New” (required)


“CREATE” (required)


“3-Medium” (required)


“3-Moderate/Limited” (required)






Reason, appName, username, account (ecmascript transformation provided)




Mapping Identity Governance change item data to target application data fields is similar to configuring data source collectors. This includes support for static value mapping and per-field data transformation. Regardless of the fulfillment type you select, you must place quotes around the static values used for fulfillment type configuration.

Since the implementation of any particular service desk application varies widely for each customer, it may be useful to manually create sample incidents using the application user interfaces to validate the desired inputs for each fulfillment target.

14.2.2 Configuring a Fulfillment Target

The Identity Governance fulfillment target configuration allows you to customize your incidents for these various systems. When you create a service desk fulfillment target in Identity Governance, you provide the connection information and credentials for the target system, as well as a default configuration specifying the fields you want Identity Governance to populate in your incidents. After you assign a target fulfillment system to an application, you can then customize that default configuration to appropriately map the application configuration item, assignment group, severity, and other fields for that specific application.

When you configure a fulfillment target using Active Directory/eDirectory LDAP, or CSV fulfillment types, keep in mind the following:

About Active Directory/eDirectory LDAP fulfillment

If a user is present in Identity Governance, but is not present in either Active Directory/eDirectory, you can configure the fulfillment target to create an account through the respective fulfillment targets.

To perform the this action, in Step 3 below, you must provide values for the first name, last name, title, and workforceID fields.

In addition, when you configure Fulfillment item configuration and mapping, click {...}, and then edit the transform script for Account name generation payload to connect to the correct Active Directory/eDirectory server for the user.

About CSV fulfillment

This fulfillment target creates a CSV file in the specified directory that contains the attributes you configured in the fulfillment target.

To configure a fulfillment target:

  1. Log in to Identity Governance as a Bootstrap, Customer, Global, or Fulfillment Administrator.

  2. Select Fulfillment > Configuration.

  3. (Conditional) If you want to add a fulfillment target, select + and complete the required fields in the template. When adding fulfillment targets, you must configure service parameters to connect Identity Governance to your fulfillment service, and then configure mappings to create an appropriate fulfillment request.

    1. Configure service parameters to connect Identity Governance to your fulfillment service. Conditionally, enable Cloud Bridge connection when fulfilling Identity Governance as a Service requests using on-premise fulfillment services.

      NOTE:Micro Focus supports Cloud Bridge only in Identity Governance as a Service deployments.

    2. Configure fulfillment item and map attributes. Click the search icon to select edit data fields included for a parameter. For example, select Fulfillment Instructions for instructions from reviewers and approvers to be passed through to fulfillers. Select Flow Data for custom request and approval form information to be received by fulfillment systems. In addition, if required, click {...}, and then edit the transform script or upload a script to map attributes.

      NOTE:When viewing the list of mapped attributes for a field, you could see some items not available to select and marked with a strike-through line across the text. You must enable these attributes in Configuration > Context Fulfillment Attributes in order to select them here.

  4. (Conditional) If you want to modify a fulfillment target, click its name in the Name column, and then make necessary changes.

    NOTE:Optionally, Customer, Global, or Data administrators can download the fulfillment target templates, edit them, and upload them to Identity Governance prior to fulfillment administrators configuring the service parameters and mappings in the application itself. For more information, see Section 14.4, Customizing Fulfillment Target Templates.

  5. Make any additional updates for the selected fulfillment target, such as fulfillment response mapping and specifying change request types, and click the Save icon.

  6. Select Fulfillment > Configuration, and then click the Application setup tab.

  7. (Optional) If you want to use the same fulfillment target for multiple applications, you can select and configure them using the Fulfillment Target selector at the top of the page. For more information, see Section 14.2.3, Configuring Multiple Fulfillment Targets for Applications.

  8. For each application, click Edit, and provide the requested information for the fulfillment targets configured for the application, and then click Save.

    NOTE:The Change Request Type column updates to show whether the fulfillment target handles all change request types or some types for this application.

  9. Select the Catalog update setup tab and select the fulfillment target for each type of catalog update request initiator you have in place.

14.2.3 Configuring Multiple Fulfillment Targets for Applications

You can configure each application to use multiple fulfillment targets, or you can configure multiple applications to use multiple fulfillment targets. For example, you might have one system that processes all requests to add access and a different system that processes all requests to remove access.

To configure multiple fulfillment targets for an application:

  1. Log in to Identity Governance as a Bootstrap, Customer, Global, or Fulfillment Administrator.

  2. Select Fulfillment > Configuration and select the Application setup tab.

  3. Under the Actions column, click Edit next to the application for which you want to configure multiple fulfillment targets.

  4. On the Application Setup window, click the plus sign (+) to add one or more fulfillment targets to the application.

  5. Scroll to, and configure, the new fulfillment target.

  6. Under the fulfillment target you want to process change requests, select Supported Change Requests, and then select the types of change requests you want the target to process. You can use the same fulfillment target to process all requests, or you can use a different target for certain requests.

    NOTE:To assist the Fulfillment Administrator in making sure that the configured fulfillment targets handle all change request types, Identity Governance shows which change request types are configured next to each fulfillment target. If a target does not support any of the change request types, those unsupported types display in red text.

  7. When you complete configuration, click Save.

If you need to configure multiple applications with the same fulfillment targets, you can use the bulk action to configure multiple fulfillment targets for multiple applications.

To configure multiple fulfillment targets for multiple applications:

  1. Log in to Identity Governance as a Bootstrap, Customer, Global, or Fulfillment Administrator.

  2. Select Fulfillment > Configuration and select the Application setup tab.

  3. Select the checkbox next to each application for which you want to configure multiple fulfillment targets, and then click Change fulfillment targets.

    NOTE:If you want to configure multiple targets for all applications, select the checkbox in the column header.

  4. On the Application Setup window, make changes to existing fulfillment targets, or click the plus sign (+) to add one or more fulfillment targets to the application.

  5. Scroll to, and configure, any new fulfillment targets.

  6. Under the fulfillment target you want to process change requests, select Supported Change Requests, and then select the types of change requests you want the target to process. You can use the same fulfillment target to process all requests, or you can use a different target for certain requests.

    NOTE:To assist the Fulfillment Administrator in making sure that the configured fulfillment targets handle all change request types, Identity Governance shows which change request types are configured next to each fulfillment target. If a target does not support any of the change request types, those unsupported types display in red text.

  7. When you complete configuration, click Save.

14.2.4 Transforming Data from Fulfillment Targets

You can transform the incoming data from fulfillment targets to have Identity Governance display more meaningful information. For example, instead of displaying only the incident number from your fulfillment system, you could display additional text, such as “Incident number 123456 was created in ServiceNow” in Identity Governance.

The transforms are done through Nashorn-compatible Javascript in the Fulfillment Response mapping section of the fulfillment target configuration. Within the Javascript, you can access the incoming value by creating a variable name inputValue. After manipulating the incoming value, you can return the value to Identity Governance by assigning the value to a variable name outputValue.

The following example transforms the incoming value, which is a tracking number from the connected system to Incident number 123456 created in ServiceNow in the Identity Governance displays.

outputValue = 'Incident number ' + inputValue + ' created in ServiceNow'

To change fulfillment target response mapping:

  1. Log in to Identity Governance as a Bootstrap, Customer, Global, or Fulfillment Administrator.

  2. Under Fulfillment > Configuration, select an existing fulfillment target or create a new one.

  3. Expand the Fulfillment Response mapping section and select the braces ({ }) next to the attribute you want to transform.

    NOTE:Two dots between the braces ({..}) denotes that a transform script exists for an attribute.

  4. Enter or edit the existing transform script in one of the following ways:

    • Select Edit and edit the script in the resulting popup window

    • Use the drop down control to either create a new script or edit an existing script

    • Select Or upload as script file to upload a script file

  5. Save the fulfillment target.

14.2.5 Configuring Identity Manager and Manual Fulfillment Targets

For Identity Manager automated, Identity Manager workflow, and manual fulfillment targets, Identity Governance evaluates and fulfills the change items without the need for extensive configuration. When specifying one of the default methods of fulfillment, observe the following considerations:

For manual fulfillment targets, Identity Governance evaluates and fulfills the change items without the need for extensive configuration. When specifying manual fulfillment as the default method of fulfillment, observe the following considerations:

Identity Manager Automated

Applies only when you integrate Identity Governance with Identity Manager.

Specify whether you want to use automated provisioning with manual fulfillment or a workflow as the fallback method. Then specify the values associated with the fallback method. For more information, see Section 14.6.3, Automatically Fulfilling the Changeset.

NOTE:Identity Manager Automated fulfillment is not currently supported in SaaS environments.

Identity Manager Workflow

Applies only when you integrate Identity Governance with Identity Manager.

Specify the name of a workflow that already exists in Identity Manager. The Identity Manager workflow must have inputs for the following fields:

  • String: changesetId

  • String: appId

To connect to the external provisioning system from Identity Governance, click Configuration > Identity Manager System Connection (or you can use the Identity Governance Configuration Utility in the console mode). For example:

User ID

For information about the Configuration Utility procedures, see Using the Identity Governance Configuration Utility in the Identity Governance 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide. For more information about the workflow process, see Section 14.6.2, Using Workflows to Fulfill the Changeset.


Specify an individual or group of individuals to serve as the fulfiller. For more information about manual fulfillment, see Section 14.6.1, Manually Fulfilling the Changeset.

To have Identity Governance email reminders to the fulfillers, ensure that you configure email notifications using the Identity Governance Configuration Utility. For information about customizing emails to fulfillers, see Section 3.4, Customizing Email Notification Templates.