5.8 Collecting Data Using Cloud Bridge

After configuring data source connections, Customer or Data administrators must enable the connection to collect data using the Cloud Bridge.

NOTE:Micro Focus supports Cloud Bridge only in Identity Governance as a Service deployments.

5.8.1 Configuring Cloud Bridge Data Source Connections

NOTE:Micro Focus supports Cloud Bridge only in Identity Governance as a Service deployments.

  1. Log in as a Customer or Data Administrator.

  2. Click Data Sources > Data Centers to view previously configured data centers. Test connection to verify settings.

  3. Synchronize data centers.

  4. Create data source connections:

    1. Select Data Sources > Data Center Connections.

    2. Click +.

    3. Add a name and description.

    4. Use the Data Centers drop down to select the data center in which the Data Source Connection resides.

    5. Save the data source connection. Note that each data source connection has a unique ID.

    6. Copy the unique ID.

  5. Create credentials for the data source connection in Cloud Bridge. For information about adding credentials, seeAdd Credential for the Data Source Connection section in the Identity Governance as a Service Quick Start.

5.8.2 Enabling Cloud Bridge Connection and Collecting Data

NOTE:Micro Focus supports Cloud Bridge only in Identity Governance as a Service deployments.

Customer or Data administrators must enable use of Cloud Bridge, specify a data source connection, and specify unique parameters when required to collect data in from on-premises and Cloud data sources to the Identity Governance as a Service catalog.

NOTE:Ensure that you have configured your data source connection before enabling the cloud bridge connection in your collector or fulfillment target template.

To enable Cloud Bridge Data Source Connection and collect data:

  1. Log in as a Customer or Data Administrator.

  2. Click Data Sources > Identities or Data Sources > Applications.

  3. Click + and select a collector template.

  4. Enable the Cloud Bridge connection and specify a data source connection. Note that the User Name and Password are no longer configurable for all the collectors except SCIM collectors.

  5. (Conditional) When collecting using a SCIM collection template, specify the authentication method.

  6. Click Test Connection to verify your settings and connection.

  7. Specify other fields as required and save the collector.

    NOTE:When configuring the CSV collector, start the root path file in the Services Parameters with /conf and end with/. For example, /conf/. If you placed the CSV file in subfolders, append the subfolder names to the root file path. For example, /conf/csv/oracle/. Enter the CSV file name in the Collect Views. For example, users.csv.

  8. Test collection.

  9. Collect and publish.

    For more information about collecting and publishing, see: