This section describes licensing for IDOL products and components.
The standard licensing model in IDOL uses a License Server module, which provides licenses to all the other IDOL modules that make up the IDOL deployment. The License Server itself uses an encrypted license file, given at point of sale, which specifies:
the number of permitted instances of each module type
the number of permitted users, document sections and query rates
the licensed module actions and features
the license expiry date
license information, such as the MAC address of the License Server
Other IDOL modules obtain their license from the License Server, and renew it periodically (typically every 2 hours) to continue operating.
An alternative licensing model allows you to distribute IDOL as part of an OEM application. In this case, the application has a single license without host or port restrictions. This license typically still includes an expiry date and version number.
For OEM licensing, you do not require a License Server installation. To prevent OEM customers from abusing the license, all requests to IDOL are encrypted in the application.
Licenses are strongly encrypted, as are the requests and responses that issue them. To configure these requests to also use SSL, you can use the SSLConfig
configuration parameter. For more information, refer to the License Server Reference.