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Use the Certificates panel to import a signed client certificate to share. This panel is only functional when Reflection for the Web is installed.

Administer Shared Client Certificate

A client certificate is used to identify users connecting to the Security Proxy or to a TLS host when client authentication is required. If all users share the same client certificate, the MSS Server can automatically distribute it to the Reflection for the Web emulator clients when needed.

If a server certificate and private key already exist, the imported key pair will overwrite them.

To import the key pair:

  1. Click Upload. Select the file containing the certificate and the private key to upload to the Management and Security Server.

  2. Enter the required information.

    Keystore file name: the file that contains the certificate

    Keystore password: that protects the file that contains the certificate

    Friendly name: so you can easily identify the certificate

3, Click IMPORT.