!  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


B character position symbol COBOL Language Reference The PICTURE Clause
-b option Fileshare Guide Example Server Configuration File
B RTS switch COBOL Language Reference The READ Statement
B-AND bitwise operator COBOL Language Reference Bitwise Operators
B-EXOR bitwise operator COBOL Language Reference Bitwise Operators
B-NOT bitwise operator COBOL Language Reference Bitwise Operators
B-OR bitwise operator COBOL Language Reference Bitwise Operators
B-XOR bitwise operator COBOL Language Reference Bitwise Operators
B1 RTS switch COBOL Language Reference The READ Statement
Background process Fileshare Guide Running Fileshare as a Background Process
background task
Setup **ERROR** Installing onto the Server
BACKGROUND-COLOR option COBOL Language Reference The DISPLAY Statement
The ACCEPT Statement
The DISPLAY Statement
Backing up and restoring data SQL Option Server Administrati Backing Up and Restoring Data
Backing up locations SQL Option Server Administrati Backing Up Locations
in On-line Help file Character User Interfaces Text Lines and Attributes
Backup SQL Option Server Administrati BACKUP Command
automatic Fileshare Guide Automatic Database Backup and Rollforward Recovery
Backup command SQL Option Server Administrati BACKUP Command
Backup location SQL Option Server Administrati Backup Procedure
Backup location command SQL Option Server Administrati BACKUP LOCATION Command
/backup option Fileshare Guide Backup Folder Record
Backup procedure SQL Option Server Administrati Backup Procedure
backward compatibility **ERROR** Q? I have an existing COBOL application. How do I move it to Net Express?
Backward Compatibility with Net Express 4.0
Backward Compatibility with Net Express with .NET
BADSIGNS Migration Cookbook List of Features
List of Features
Banner Migration Cookbook Excluded Components
Base Animator Migration Cookbook Excluded Components
Base class Object-oriented Programming wi Inheritance
Method Inheritance
Base Class Library Object-oriented Programming wi Overview
BASIS mechanism COBOL Language Reference The BASIS Mechanism
BASIS statement COBOL Language Reference The BASIS Statement
and the Net Express IDE Mainframe Transaction Develope Enterprise Server Integration with the IDE
enabling MTO Configuration and Administ Enabling JCL for an Enterprise Server
script SQL Option User's Guide Running Batch Scripts
utility Mainframe Transaction Develope Utility Programs
Batch enabling
Enterprise server Mainframe Transaction Develope Enabling JES
batch initiator
defining Mainframe Transaction Develope Defining Batch Initiators and Printers
starting from command line MTO Configuration and Administ Starting a Batch Initiator SEP
Batch initiator SEPs MTO Configuration and Administ SEPs for JCL
on-the-fly MTO Configuration and Administ On-the-fly SEPs for JCL
Batch printer SEPs MTO Configuration and Administ SEPs for JCL
on-the-fly MTO Configuration and Administ On-the-fly SEPs for JCL
Batch version
Data File Converter File Handling Command Line Batch Interface
BDAM file MTO Configuration and Administ Distributed Program Linking
BEEP Dialog System Character Mode G Functions
Function Descriptions
BEEP clause COBOL Language Reference The BELL Clause
BEEP option COBOL Language Reference The ACCEPT Statement
The DISPLAY Statement
BEEP-EOF configuration parameter Dialog System Character Mode G General Run-time Behavior
BEEP-EOS configuration parameter Dialog System Character Mode G General Run-time Behavior
BEEP-INVALID configuration parameter Dialog System Character Mode G General Run-time Behavior
BEFORE phrase
WRITE statement COBOL Language Reference The WRITE Statement
BEGIN TRAN **ERROR** Q? How does OpenESQL handle transactions?
Migration Cookbook Summary of Changes
Behavior class Object-oriented Programming wi Inheritance
Method Inheritance
Instance Creation Methods
Finding Memory Leaks
BELL clause COBOL Language Reference The BELL Clause
BELL Compiler directive Compiler Directvies BELL
BELL option COBOL Language Reference The ACCEPT Statement
The DISPLAY Statement
Beta version compatibility Dialog System Character Mode G Copyfile Defaults
bigint data type Database Access Big Integer
Binary data in SQL Migration Cookbook Summary of Changes
binary data type
COBSQL - Informix Database Access Informix
COBSQL - Oracle Database Access Oracle
COBSQL - Sybase Database Access Sybase
OpenESQL Database Access OpenESQL
OpenESQL - DB2 Database Access DB2
The USAGE Clause
Siemens BS2000 COBOL COBOL Language Reference The BINARY, COMPUTATIONAL and COMPUTATIONAL-5 phrases
Binary-coded decimal format COBOL Language Reference COMPUTATIONAL-3 or PACKED-DECIMAL Format
Bind utility SQL Option User's Guide Bind Utility
DB2 Database Access Binding
dynamic Object-oriented Programming wi Messages
Binding SQL statements with literals SQL Option User's Guide Binding SQL Statements With Literals
Bit manipulation COBOL Language Reference Bitwise Operators
Bit-packing routine Library Routines Bit-packing Routines
Bitmap Dialog System Guide Tutorial - Using Bitmaps to Change the Mouse Pointer
Programming Bitmaps
Migration Cookbook Summary of Changes
256-color Dialog System Guide Questions and Answers
for push buttons Dialog System Guide Assigning Bitmaps to Push Buttons
handle Dialog System Guide Programming Bitmaps
bitmap colors
known errors **ERROR** Resources
BITMAP-EVENT Dialog System Guide Programming Bitmaps
defining Dialog System Guide Defining Bitmaps
painting Object-oriented Programming wi Painting onto a Window Client Area
using Dialog System Guide Using Bitmaps
Bitwise operators COBOL Language Reference Bitwise Operators
BLANK clause COBOL Language Reference The BLANK Clause
Blank line COBOL Language Reference Blank Lines
BLANK option COBOL Language Reference The DISPLAY Statement
The DISPLAY Statement
BLANK WHEN ZERO clause COBOL Language Reference Data Description Entry Skeleton
Screen Section COBOL Language Reference The BLANK WHEN ZERO Clause in the Screen Section
Blink attribute Character User Interfaces IBM PC Monochrome Attribute Encoding
BLINK clause COBOL Language Reference The BLINK Clause
BLINK option COBOL Language Reference The ACCEPT Statement
The DISPLAY Statement
Block Dialog System Character Mode G Moving Fields Around
copy from Dialog System Character Mode G Copy from Block (F3)
copy to Dialog System Character Mode G Copy to Block (F8)
cut to Dialog System Character Mode G Cut to Block (F7)
move Dialog System Character Mode G Move Block ( )
paste Dialog System Character Mode G Paste Block (F2)
restore Dialog System Character Mode G Restore Block (F9)
stack Dialog System Character Mode G Stack Block (F4)
BLOCK CONTAINS clause COBOL Language Reference The BLOCK CONTAINS Clause
block marking **ERROR** Q? Why is the whole line selected when I try to mark a block?
Q? When I mark a block of text, why do I get a rectangular block instead of a continuous string?
Block menu Dialog System Character Mode G Working with Blocks
Block size for duplicate record ids SQL Option Server Administrati Block Size for Duplicate Record IDs
working with Dialog System Character Mode G Working with Blocks
BMS field
defining Mainframe Transaction Develope Working with Maps
painter Mainframe Transaction Develope Using the Painter
property Mainframe Transaction Develope Defining Field Properties
BMS macro file Mainframe Transaction Develope BMS Macro Files
BMS map
downloaded Mainframe Transaction Develope Working with Previously Created Maps
editing Mainframe Transaction Develope Working with Maps
MTO demonstration Mainframe Transaction Develope BMS Maps
painter Mainframe Transaction Develope Using the Painter
property Mainframe Transaction Develope Defining Map Properties
BMS mapset
copyfile Mainframe Transaction Develope Compiling BMS Mapsets
painter Mainframe Transaction Develope Using the Painter
property Mainframe Transaction Develope Defining Mapset Properties
BMS screen painter Mainframe Transaction Develope BMS Screen Painter
basics Mainframe Transaction Develope BMS Screen Painter Basics
blink attribute Mainframe Transaction Develope Defining Field, Map and Mapset Properties
build settings Mainframe Transaction Develope Build Settings for the BMS Screeen Painter
COBOL comment conversion Mainframe Transaction Develope Handling Comments in BMS Macros
configuration Mainframe Transaction Develope Configuring the Painter
copybook Mainframe Transaction Develope Copybooks and Load Modules
DSATTS operand Mainframe Transaction Develope The EXTATT, MAPATTS, and DSATTS Operands
EXTATT operand Mainframe Transaction Develope The EXTATT, MAPATTS, and DSATTS Operands
load module Mainframe Transaction Develope Copybooks and Load Modules
macro file Mainframe Transaction Develope BMS Macro Files
MAPATTS operand Mainframe Transaction Develope The EXTATT, MAPATTS, and DSATTS Operands
output Mainframe Transaction Develope Generating Output from the Painter
SDF array Mainframe Transaction Develope Working with Maps
Examples of SDF Copybooks
technical details Mainframe Transaction Develope BMS Screen Painter Technical Details
BMS-related command Mainframe Transaction Develope Using the SET Option of the BMS-related SEND Functions
Body group presentation rules COBOL Language Reference Body Group Presentation Rules
sample program Interface Mapping Toolkit Tuto The Sample Program
Bookmark menu in HyHelp Character User Interfaces Bookmark Menu
in HyHelp Character User Interfaces Bookmark Menu
frequently asked questions **ERROR** Documentation
top-level program Interface Mapping Toolkit Tuto The Sample Program
BOOTP UNIX Option Guide Dynamically Assigned IP Addresses
Border Dialog System Guide Components of a Window
panel Dialog System Character Mode G None/Single/Double Border (F4)
Bound checking COBOL Language Reference Bound Checking
BOUND Compiler directive Compiler Directvies BOUND
BOUNDOPT Compiler directive Compiler Directvies BOUNDOPT
BOXED phrase Character User Interfaces Windowing Support Syntax
BP Dialog System Character Mode G Functions
Function Descriptions
BP (0) size SQL Option Server Administrati BP(0) Size
BP(0) size SQL Option Server Administrati BP(0) Size
BPD Dialog System Character Mode G Functions
Function Descriptions
BPE Dialog System Character Mode G Functions
Function Descriptions
BPR Dialog System Character Mode G Functions
Function Descriptions
BRANCH-TO-PROCEDURE Dialog System Guide Procedures
Using Procedures
Dialog for Dynamically Changing Bitmaps Assigned to a Push Button
BRIEF Compiler directive Compiler Directvies BRIEF
BROWSE Migration Cookbook Excluded Directives
Browse chains in HyHelp Character User Interfaces HyHelp Function Descriptions
HyHelp Function Descriptions
Browse file Dialog System Character Mode G Browse File (F8)
generate Dialog System Character Mode G Browse File (F8)
BROWSE mode cursors Migration Cookbook Summary of Changes
Browse tool Object-oriented Programming wi Developing OO Programs
OO Migration Cookbook List of Features
browser **ERROR** Net Express
Brush objects Object-oriented Programming wi Painting onto a Window Client Area
Siemens BS2000 COBOL COBOL Language Reference Siemens BS2000 COBOL Syntax Support
BS2000 Compiler directive Compiler Directvies BS2000
BS2000 DIALECT setting Compiler Directvies BS2000 DIALECT setting
BS2000-OFFLOAD DIALECT setting Compiler Directvies BS2000-OFFLOAD DIALECT setting
Btrieve File Handling Btrieve
ANSI conformance File Handling Calling Btrieve in Non-ANSI Mode
BTRMAXREC environment variable File Handling BTRMAXREC Environment Variable
BTRPAGE environment variable File Handling BTRPAGE Environment Variable
CALLFH Compiler directive File Handling CALLFH Compiler Directive
calling xfh2btr File Handling Calling Xfh2btr
configuration File Handling Xfh2btr Configuration File
converting files File Handling Overview
CRP File Handling Current Record Pointer (CRP)
environment variables File Handling Btrieve Environment Variables
error messages File Handling Btrieve Error Messages
file open mode File Handling Btrieve File Open Mode
FILETYPE Compiler directive File Handling FILETYPE Compiler Directive
keys File Handling Keys
locked record detection File Handling Locked Record Detection
maximum record size File Handling Maximum Record Size
OPEN OUTPUT File Handling OPEN OUTPUT Operation
page size File Handling Page Size
READ after DELETE File Handling Sequential READ Operations After DELETE Operations
READ after REWRITE File Handling Sequential READ Operations After REWRITE Operations
READ after WRITE File Handling Sequential READ Operations After WRITE Operations
record lengths File Handling Record Lengths
trace option File Handling Trace Option
transaction processing File Handling Transaction Processing
WRITELOCK Compiler directive File Handling WRITELOCK Compiler Directive
btrieve **ERROR** File Handling
BTRMAXREC environment variable File Handling BTRMAXREC Environment Variable
BTRPAGE environment variable File Handling BTRPAGE Environment Variable
Buffer management SQL Option Server Administrati Buffer Management System
Buffer management system SQL Option Server Administrati Buffer Management System
Buffer pool size SQL Option Server Administrati BP(0) Size
Buffers Communications How the Client/Server Binding Works
The Reduced Data Transfer Facility
The Reduced Data Transfer Facility
Client/Server Binding Communications Configuration File Parameters
bug fixes
via SupportLine **ERROR** Q? What is SupportLine?
bugs **ERROR** Known Errors and Restrictions in Micro Focus Server
Net Express **ERROR** Known Errors and Restrictions in Net Express IDE
.NET managed COBOL **ERROR** Known Errors and Restrictions in COBOL Support for .NET
postbuild commands UNIX Option Guide Setting Prebuild and Postbuild Commands
prebuild commands UNIX Option Guide Setting Prebuild and Postbuild Commands
Build area
locking UNIX Option Guide Change Server Lock
troubleshooting UNIX Option Guide Unable to Change the User ID on a Build Area or Share it With a Co-worker
Build options
setting for servers UNIX Option Guide Setting Additional Build Options
setting for specific project UNIX Option Guide Setting Additional Build Options
Build settings
BMS screen painter Mainframe Transaction Develope Build Settings for the BMS Screeen Painter
Build utility Migration Cookbook List of Features
Building Migration Cookbook From Object COBOL V4.0
CGI program CGI-based Applications Building the Server-Side Program
ISAPI CGI-based Applications Linking ISAPI and NSAPI Programs
NSAPI CGI-based Applications Linking ISAPI and NSAPI Programs
server-side program CGI-based Applications Building the Server-Side Program
Building a project Getting Started Building a Project
tutorial Getting Started Using the Net Express IDE
Building an application Database Access Building an Application
CGI-based Applications Tutoria Build the Application
Building Dialog System applications Migration Cookbook Points to Note
XML-enabled COBOL XML Input/Output Compiling XML-enabled COBOL
adding to a form CGI-based Applications Tutoria Add Controls to the Form
BUTTON-SELECTED Dialog System Guide Pressing Buttons
Validating Entry Fields
Dialog for a Pause Push Button
Selecting Items From a List
BWZSTAR Compiler directive Compiler Directvies BWZSTAR
using in Java Java and COBOL Using BY REFERENCE Parameters
BY REFERENCE parameters
Interface Mapper Interface Mapping Toolkit Direction
BY VALUE parameters
Interface Mapper Interface Mapping Toolkit Direction
BYTE-MODE-MOVE Compiler directive COBOL Language Reference Overlapping Operands
The MOVE Statement
Compiler Directvies BYTE-MODE-MOVE
Byte-storage mode COBOL Language Reference Computer Memory Natural Boundaries
Byte-stream file handling routine Library Routines Byte-stream File Handling Routines - Example
Byte-stream file routine Library Routines Byte-stream File Routines
Byte-stream I/O call Fileshare Guide Byte-stream I/O Calls

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