8.1 Requirements for Cluster Resources

8.1.1 LUNs for Cluster Pool Resources

In a business continuity cluster, you should have only one NSS pool for each LUN that can be failed over to another cluster. This is necessary because in a business continuity cluster, entire LUNs fail over to other peer clusters. A pool is the entity that fails over to other nodes in a given cluster.

Multiple LUNs can be used as segments in a pool if the storage systems used in the clusters can fail over groups of LUNs, sometimes called consistency groups. In this case, a given LUN can contribute space to only one pool.

8.1.2 Volumes for Cluster Pool Resources

A cluster-enabled NSS pool must contain at least one volume before its cluster resource can be enabled for business continuity. You get an error message if you attempt to enable the resource for business continuity if its NSS pool does not contain a volume.

Also, if you have encrypted NSS volumes in your BCC, then all clusters in that BCC must be in the same eDirectory tree. The clusters in the other eDirectory tree cannot decrypt the NSS volumes.

8.1.3 Shared Disk Cluster Resources

See Table 8-1 for information about how to create shared disk cluster resources for OES 2018 SP8 clusters.

Table 8-1 Clustering Shared Disk Cluster Resources with Novell Cluster Services

Shared Disk Cluster Resources


Dynamic Storage Technology shadow volume pairs

Configuring DST Global Policies in the OES 2018 SP3: Dynamic Storage Technology Administration Guide

Linux LVM volume groups and logical volumes

Configuring and Managing Cluster Resources for Shared LVM Volume Groups in the OES 2018 SP3: OES Cluster Services for Linux Administration Guide

NCP (NetWare Core Protocol) volumes

Configuring NCP Volumes with OES Cluster Services in the OES 2018 SP3: NCP Server for Linux Administration Guide

Novell Storage Services (NSS) pools and volumes

Configuring and Managing Cluster Resources in the OES 2018 SP3: OES Cluster Services for Linux Administration Guide

Legacy CSM cluster resources from OES 2 SP3 clusters (managing only)

Planning for Cluster Resources in the OES 2018 SP3: OES Cluster Services for Linux Administration Guide

Xen virtual machines

Virtual Machines as Cluster Resources in the OES 2018 SP3: OES Cluster Services for Linux Administration Guide

8.1.4 Cluster Resources for OES 2018 SP3 Services

See Table 8-2 for information about how to create cluster resources for OES 2018 SP3 services.

Table 8-2 Clustering OES 2018 SP3 Services with Novell Cluster Services

OES 2018 SP3 Service


Apache Web Server

Apache HTTP Server in the OES 2015 SP1: Novell Cluster Services NetWare to Linux Conversion Guide

Certificate Server

The eDirectory Certificate Server is not cluster-enabled. The Certificate Server service issues Server Certificate objects that might need to reside on each node in a cluster, depending on the service that is clustered.

eDirectory Server Certificates in the OES 2015 SP1: Novell Cluster Services NetWare to Linux Conversion Guide


(Distributed File Services volume location database)

OES 2018 SP3: Distributed File Services Administration Guide for Linux in the OES 2018 SP3: Distributed File Services Administration Guide for Linux

DHCP Server

See the following sections in the OES 2018 SP3: DNS/DHCP Services for Linux Administration Guide:

DNS Server

Configuring DNS with OES Cluster Services in the OES 2018 SP3: DNS/DHCP Services for Linux Administration Guide


eDirectory is not clustered because it has its own replica system.

File, AFP (Apple Filing Protocol)

Configuring AFP with OES Cluster Services for an NSS File System in the OES 2018 SP3: OES AFP for Linux Administration Guide

File, CIFS

(Windows File Services)

Configuring CIFS with Cluster Services for an NSS File System in the OES 2018 SP3: OES CIFS for Linux Administration Guide

File, FTP

“Cluster Enabling Pure-FTPd in an OES Environment” in the OES 2018 SP3: Planning and Implementation Guide

File, NetStorage

Configuring NetStorage with OES Cluster Services in the OES 2018 SP3: NetStorage Administration Guide for Linux


Configuring iPrint with OES Cluster Services in the OES 2018 SP3: iPrint Administration Guide


A MySQL template is available that uses a shared LVM volume group that you have already created. For information, see Configuring MySQL with Novell Cluster Services in the OES 2015 SP1: Web Services and Applications Guide.