Specification of package Corba.Group_Ios.Miop_Ios

 ========================================================================= --
 ===																						 === --
 ===					  Top Graph'X CORBA Implementation						 === --
 ===																						 === --
 ===					  Copyright (c) 2002, Top Graph'X.						 === --
 ===																						 === --
 ===							--- Copyright Notice ---							 === --
 ===																						 === --
 ===	 This software is protected as an unpublished work under the	 === --
 ===	  Copyright Act of 1976.  All rights reserved.	Top Graph'X.	 === --
 ===																						 === --
 ========================================================================= --

 (JM) 22/01/02 : Creation

 (JM) 25/02/02 : modif_{1} : tracking VMCID_Miop_Bad_Data_Size exception,
                             test of size and last 4 bytes of the message
                             added to the test of hashcode to avoid collision risk

with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation ;
with Ada.Calendar ;
pragma Elaborate_All (Ada.Calendar) ;

with Tgx.System_Ios ;
use Tgx.System_Ios ;
with Tgx.Ios ;

with Corba.Iop ;
with Corba_Ios ;

package Corba.Group_ios.Miop_Ios is
   Miop_Emission_Open_Error : exception ;
   { Emission class for Miop:
        type Miop_Emission is new Group_Emission with
                Multicast     : Tgx.Ios.String_Pointer ;
                Port                 : Tgx.System_Ios.Port ;
      Mtu                    : Natural ;   must be multiple of 8
      Unique_Id     : Corba.Iop.T_Tgx_Unique_Id ;
        end record ;
        type Miop_Emission_Access is access all Miop_Emission'class ;
        procedure Open (This : access Miop_Emission) ;

        procedure Close (This : access Miop_Emission) ;
         read a stream : inherited from Group_Emission
         write a stream
        procedure Write ( This   : access Miop_Emission ;
                                                        Buffer : in System.Address ;
                                                        Number : in Natural ) ;
    Returns the URL indicating the sending client
   function Url (Client   : access Miop_Emission)
      return Standard.String ;

   } Emission class for Miop 
   { Reception class for Miop:

   type T_Packet (Mtu : Corba_Ios.Stream_Element_Count ) ;
   type T_Packet_Ptr is access T_Packet ;
   type T_Packet (Mtu : Corba_Ios.Stream_Element_Count ) is
      Packet_Num  : Natural := 0 ; 
      Next        : T_Packet_Ptr ;
      Buffer      : Corba_Ios.Stream_Element_Array (1 .. Mtu) ;
       Number of bytes actually read into buffer:
      Number     : Natural ;
   end record ;
   subtype T_List is T_Packet_Ptr ;

 modif_{1} : tracking VMCID_Miop_Bad_Data_Size exception

   type T_Msg_Signature is
      Size         : Corba.Unsigned_Long := 0 ;
      Hash_Code    : Corba.Unsigned_Long := 0 ;
      Last_4_Bytes : Corba.Unsigned_Long := 0 ;
   end record ;
   Null_Msg_Signature : T_Msg_Signature ;

   type T_Message is
      Time_Out      : Ada.Calendar.Time ;
      Request_Id    : T_Msg_Signature ;
      Completed     : Boolean := False ;
      Read_Bytes_Nb : Natural := 0 ;
      Data_Bytes_Nb : Natural := 0 ;  Actual data size
      Nb_Packets    : Natural := 0 ;
      Header_Size   : Natural := 0 ;
       Ordered list according to Packet_Num field of an element:
      List          : T_List ;
   end record ;
   Null_Message : constant T_Message :=
      ( Time_Out      => Ada.Calendar.Clock,
        Request_Id    => Null_Msg_Signature ,
        Completed     => False,
        Read_Bytes_Nb => 0,
        Data_Bytes_Nb => 0,
        Nb_Packets    => 0,
        Header_Size   => 0,
        List          => null ) ;

    Variable length table
   type Message_Array is array (Positive range <>) of T_Message ;
   type Message_Table is access all Message_Array ;
   procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
      (Object => Message_Array, Name => Message_Table) ;

        type Miop_Reception is new Group_Reception with
                Multicast : Tgx.Ios.String_Pointer ;
                Port             : Tgx.System_Ios.Port ;
      Mtu                : Natural ;             must be multiple of 8
      Msg_Table : Message_Table ;       table of received packets
      Msg_Used  : Natural := 0 ;
      Free_List : T_List ;
   end record ;
        type Miop_Reception_access is access all Miop_Reception'class ;
        procedure Open (This : access Miop_Reception) ;

        procedure Close (This : access Miop_Reception) ;
   function Bytes_Per_Io_Unit (This : access Miop_Reception)
      return Natural ;

   function Amount_Readable (This : access Miop_Reception)
      return Natural ;

         read a stream
        procedure Read ( This   : access Miop_Reception ;
                                                  Buffer : in System.Address ;
                                                  Number : in out Natural ) ;

         write a stream : inherited from Group_Reception

    Returns the URL indicating the sending client
   function Url (Client   : access Miop_Reception)
      return Standard.String ;
   } Reception class for Miop  

   subtype T_Byte is Tgx.System_Ios.Byte ;
   procedure Set_Multicast_Ttl (Ttl : in T_Byte) ;
   procedure Set_Recv_Buf_Size (P_Size : in Unsigned_Long) ;
   procedure Set_Mtu (P_Mtu : in Natural) ;
   procedure Set_Peremption_Delay (P_Delay : in Duration) ;

end Corba.Group_ios.Miop_Ios ;

List of definition uses

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