Specification of package Tgx.System_Ios

 ========================================================================= --
 ===                                                                   === --
 ===                 Top Graph'X CORBA Implementation                  === --
 ===                                                                   === --
 ===                 Copyright (c) 1996, Top Graph'X.                  === --
 ===                                                                   === --
 ===                     --- Copyright Notice ---                      === --
 ===                                                                   === --
 ===    This software is protected as an unpublished work under the    === --
 ===     Copyright Act of 1976.  All rights reserved.  Top Graph'X.    === --
 ===                                                                   === --
 ========================================================================= --

 modif_{0} : JM : 05/02/02 : added for Miop

with System ;
with Interfaces.C ;
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion ;
package Tgx.System_Ios is

   X_32_Bits : constant := 32 / System.Storage_Unit ;

   type Byte_Order is (Little_Endian, Big_Endian) ;
   This_Machine_Byte_Order : constant Byte_Order :=
      Byte_Order'val (1 - System.Bit_Order'pos (System.Default_Bit_Order)) ;

   type Integer_32 is  range - 2 ** 31 .. (2 ** 31) - 1;

   subtype Int_Ptr is Integer_32;

   subtype Descriptor is Integer_32 range 0 .. 1023 ;
   subtype Handle is Integer_32 ;

 --HP700   I_Fionread  : constant Integer_32 := 16#4004667f# ;
 --HP700   I_Fionbio  : constant Integer_32 := 16#8004667e# ;

 --MacX   I_Fionread  : constant Integer_32 := 16#4004667f# ;
 --MacX   I_Fionbio  : constant Integer_32 := 16#8004667e# ;

 --Osf1   I_Fionread  : constant Integer_32 := 16#4004667f# ;
 --Osf1   I_Fionbio  : constant Integer_32 := 16#8004667e# ;
 old Osf1   Stat_Record_size : constant := 832;

    Non erroneous "errno" values

   Interrupted : constant := 4 ;
   Would_Block : constant := 11 ;
   Again       : constant := 11 ;

   Hostent_Record_size : constant := 160 ;
   Ip_Mreqn_size : constant := 96;
   Stat_Record_size : constant := 768;

   One_Tick    : Duration := 0.02 ;

   Fd_Setsize : constant := 64 ;

   type Event_Mask is mod 2 ** 16 ;
   for Event_Mask'size use 16 ;
   Pollin  : constant := 1;
    POLLOUT (poll.h)
   Pollout : constant := 4;
   Pollerr : constant := 8;
   Pollhup : constant := 16;

   type Poll_Record is
      Fd       : Handle ;
      Required : Event_Mask ;
      Events   : Event_Mask ;
   end record ;
   for Poll_Record use
      Fd       at 0 range  0 .. 31 ;
      Required at 0 range 32 .. 47 ;
      Events   at 0 range 48 .. 63 ;
   end record ;

   type Poll_Array is array (Descriptor range <>) of Poll_Record ;

   type Ioctl_Mode is range 0 .. 255 ;
   for Ioctl_Mode'size use 8 ;
   Ioc_Void  : constant Ioctl_Mode := 16#20# ;
   Ioc_Out   : constant Ioctl_Mode := 16#40# ;
   Ioc_In    : constant Ioctl_Mode := 16#80# ;
   Ioc_Inout : constant Ioctl_Mode := Ioc_In + Ioc_Out ;

   type Param_Size is range 0 .. 255 ;
   for Param_Size'size use 8 ;

   type Ioctl_Code is range 0 .. 255 ;
   for Ioctl_Code'size use 8 ;

   type Ioctl_Flag is
      Mode  : Ioctl_Mode ;
      Size  : Param_Size ;
      Char  : Character ;
      Code  : Ioctl_Code ;
   end record ;

    Little_Endian representation
   for Ioctl_Flag use
      Mode  at 0 range 24 .. 31 ;
      Size  at 0 range 16 .. 23 ;
      Char  at 0 range  8 .. 15 ;
      Code  at 0 range  0 ..  7 ;
   end record ;

   function To_Int is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
      ( Source => Ioctl_Flag,
        Target => Integer_32 ) ;

   Fionread  : constant Ioctl_Flag :=
      ( Mode => Ioc_Out, Size => 4, Char => 'f', Code => 127) ;

   Fionbio  : constant Ioctl_Flag :=
      ( Mode => Ioc_In, Size => 4, Char => 'f', Code => 126) ;

    FIONREAD, FIONBIO (ioctl.h)
   I_Fionread  : constant Integer_32 := 16#541b# ;
   I_Fionbio  : constant Integer_32 := 16#5421# ;

   function To_Address is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
      ( Source => Integer_32,
        Target => System.Address ) ;

   C_Null : constant System.Address := To_Address (0) ;

   subtype String_8 is String (1 .. 8) ;

   type Socket_Address_Family is ( Af_Unspec, Af_Unix, Af_Inet ) ;
   for Socket_Address_Family use ( Af_Unspec => 0,
                                   Af_Unix   => 1,
                                   Af_Inet   => 2) ;
   for Socket_Address_Family'size use 16 ;

   Ip           : constant := 0 ;
   Tcp_Code     : constant := 6 ;

 SOL_SOCKET (socket.h)
   Soc_Code : constant := 1 ;

 SOCK_STREAM (socket.h)
   Sock_Stream  : constant := 1 ;
   So_Sndbuf : constant := 16#7# ;
   So_Rcvbuf : constant := 16#8# ;
 SOCK_DGRAM (socket.h)
   Sock_Datagram : constant := 2 ;

    Multicast information (in.h)
   Ip_Multicast_Ttl   : constant := 33 ;
   Ip_Multicast_Loop  : constant := 34 ;
   Ip_Add_Membership  : constant := 35 ;
   Ip_Drop_Membership : constant := 36 ;
   Tcp_No_Delay : constant := 1 ;

     SO_REUSEADDR (socket.h)
   Reuse_Addr : constant := 2 ;

     SO_KEEPALIVE (socket.h)
   Keepalive : constant := 9 ;

     SO_LINGER (socket.h)
   Linger_On_Close : constant := 13 ;

   Msg_Peek : constant := 2 ;

   type Internet_Address is new Integer_32 ;
   type Internet_Address_Pointer is access Internet_Address ;
   type Internet_Table is access Internet_Address_Pointer ;

   Inaddr_Any    : constant Internet_Address := 0 ;
   type Byte is mod 2 ** 8 ;
   for Byte'size use 8 ;

   type Two_Bytes is array (1 .. 2) of Byte ;
   for Two_Bytes'size use 16 ;

   type Four_Bytes is array (1 .. 4) of Byte ;
   for Four_Bytes'size use 32 ;

   type Word is mod 2 ** 16 ;
   for Word'size use 16 ;

   function To_Word is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
      ( Source => Two_Bytes,
        Target => Word ) ;

   function To_Bytes is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
      ( Source => Word,
        Target => Two_Bytes ) ;

   function To_Int is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
      ( Source => Four_Bytes, Target => Integer_32) ;

   function To_Bytes is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
      ( Source => Integer_32,
        Target => Four_Bytes ) ;

   subtype Port is Word ;

   type Internet_Record is
      Sin_Family : Socket_Address_Family ;
      Sin_Port   : Port ;
      Sin_Addr   : Internet_Address;
      Sin_Chars  : String_8 := (others => Ascii.Nul);
   end record;

   for Internet_Record use
      Sin_Family at 0 * X_32_Bits range  0 .. 15 ;
      Sin_Port   at 0 * X_32_Bits range 16 .. 31 ;
      Sin_Addr   at 1 * X_32_Bits range  0 .. 31 ;
      Sin_Chars  at 2 * X_32_Bits range  0 .. 63 ;
   end record;

   subtype Unix_Socket_Name is String (1 .. 92) ;
   type Unix_Socket is
      Sun_Family : Socket_Address_Family;
      Sun_Path   : Unix_Socket_Name;
   end record;

   for Unix_Socket use
      Sun_Family at 0 * X_32_Bits range  0 .. 15 ;
      Sun_Path   at 0 * X_32_Bits range 16 .. 8 * 94 - 1 ;
   end record ;

   subtype Nt_Socket_Name is String (1 .. 14) ;
   type Nt_Socket is
      Sa_Family : Socket_Address_Family;
      Sa_Path   : Nt_Socket_Name;
   end record;

   for Nt_Socket use
      Sa_Family at 0 * X_32_Bits range  0 .. 15 ;
      Sa_Path   at 0 * X_32_Bits range 16 .. 8 * 16 - 1 ;
   end record ;

   type Time_Value is
      Seconds       : Integer_32 ;
      Micro_Seconds : Integer_32 ;
   end record ;

   type Hostent_Record;
   type Hostent is access Hostent_Record;

   type Hostent_Record is
      H_Name     : System.Address;
      H_Aliases  : System.Address;
      H_Addrtype : Integer_32;
      H_Length   : Integer_32;
      H_Address  : Internet_Table;
   end record;

    struct hostent (netdb.h)
   for Hostent_Record use
      H_Name     at 0 * X_32_Bits range  0 .. 31 ;
      H_Aliases  at 1 * X_32_Bits range  0 .. 31 ;
      H_Addrtype at 2 * X_32_Bits range  0 .. 31 ;
      H_Length   at 3 * X_32_Bits range  0 .. 31 ;
      H_Address  at 4 * X_32_Bits range  0 .. 31 ;
   end record;
   for Hostent_Record'size use Hostent_Record_size;

   type Ip_Mreqn is
      Imr_Multiaddr : Internet_Address ;  IP multicast group address
      Imr_Address   : Internet_Address ;  IP address of local interface
      Imr_Ifindex   : Integer_32 := 0 ;   interface index
   end record ;
  for Ip_Mreqn'size use Ip_Mreqn_size;

   type Linger_Struct is
      Onoff    : Integer_32 ;  Linger active
      How_Long : Integer_32 ;  How long to linger for (n/100 s)
   end record ;

    Socket name can be :
    on Unix systems '"/tmp/.X11-unix/X" & Server'
    on HP may be '"/usr/spool/sockets/X11/" & Server ' will work
   Unix_Server_Path : aliased constant String := "/tmp/.X11-unix/X" ;
   Hp_Server_Path : aliased constant String := "/usr/spool/sockets/X11/" ;

   function Socket ( Family   : in Integer_32;
                     Kind     : in Integer_32;
                     Protocol : in Integer_32 ) return Integer_32;
   pragma Import (C, Socket, "socket");

   function Set_Socket_Options ( Socket  : in Integer_32;
                                 Level   : in Integer_32;
                                 Option  : in Integer_32;
                                 Value   : in System.Address;
                                 Length  : in Integer_32) return Integer_32;

   pragma Import (C, Set_Socket_Options, "setsockopt");
   function Get_Socket_Options ( Socket  : in Integer_32;
                                 Level   : in Integer_32;
                                 Option  : in Integer_32;
                                 Value   : in System.Address;
                                 Length  : in System.Address) return Integer_32;

   pragma Import (C, Get_Socket_Options, "getsockopt");

   function Get_Host_Name ( Name   : in System.Address ;
                            Length : in Integer_32)
      return Integer_32;
   pragma Import (C, Get_Host_Name, "gethostname");

   function Get_Host_By_Name (Name : in System.Address)
      return Int_Ptr;
   pragma Import (C, Get_Host_By_Name, "gethostbyname");

   function To_Hostent is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
      ( Source => Integer_32,
        Target => Hostent ) ;

   procedure Close ( The_Fd : in Integer_32 ) ;
   pragma Import (C, Close, "close" ) ;

   function C_Read ( The_Fd           : in Integer_32 ;
                     The_Address      : in System.Address ;
                     The_Length       : in Integer_32
     ) return Integer_32 ;
   pragma Import (C, C_Read, "read" ) ;

   function C_Recv ( The_Fd           : in Integer_32 ;
                     The_Address      : in System.Address ;
                     The_Length       : in Integer_32 ;
                     The_Flags        : in Integer_32 := 0 )
      return Integer_32 ;
   pragma Import (C, C_Recv, "recv" ) ;
    modif_{0} : added for UDP Datagram (Miop)
   function C_Recv_From ( The_Fd           : in Integer_32 ;
                          The_Address      : in Standard.System.Address ;
                          The_Length       : in Integer_32 ;
                          The_Flags        : in Integer_32 := 0 ;
                          From             : in System.Address ;
                          From_Length      : in System.Address)
      return Integer_32 ;
   pragma Import (C, C_Recv_From, "recvfrom" ) ;

   function C_Write ( The_Fd           : in Integer_32 ;
                      The_Address      : in System.Address ;
                      The_Length       : in Integer_32
     ) return Integer_32 ;
   pragma Import (C, C_Write, "write" ) ;

    modif_{0} : added for UDP Datagram (Miop)
   function Send_To ( The_Fd           : in Integer_32 ;
                      The_Address      : in System.Address ;
                      The_Length       : in Integer_32 ;
                      The_Flags        : in Integer_32 := 0 ;
                      To               : in System.Address ;
                      To_Length        : in Integer_32 )
      return Integer_32 ;
   pragma Import (C, Send_To , "sendto" ) ;
   function Get_Last_Error return Integer_32 ;

   procedure Set_Last_Error (Errno : in Integer_32) ;

   function Errno_Addr return System.Address ;
   pragma Import (C, Errno_Addr, "__errno_location");

   procedure Print_Error ( P_Err : in Standard.String);
   pragma Import (C, Print_Error, "perror");
   function Shutdown (S : in Integer_32; How : in Integer_32)
      return Integer_32;
   pragma Import (C, Shutdown, "shutdown");

   function Unlink (Name : in System.Address)
      return Integer_32;
   pragma Import (C, Unlink, "unlink");

   function S_Accept ( Fd  : in Integer_32;
                       Adr : in System.Address;
                       Len : in System.Address) return Integer_32;
   pragma Import (C, S_Accept, "accept");

   function Bind ( Fd  : in Integer_32;
                   Adr : in System.Address;
                   Len : in Integer_32) return Integer_32;
   pragma Import (C, Bind, "bind");

   function Get_Sock_Name ( Fd  : in Integer_32;
                            Adr : in System.Address;
                            Len : in System.Address) return Integer_32;
   pragma Import (C, Get_Sock_Name , "getsockname");
   function Connect ( Fd  : in Integer_32;
                      Adr : in System.Address;
                      Len : in Integer_32) return Integer_32;
   pragma Import (C, Connect, "connect");

   function Ioctl ( Fd    : in Integer_32 ;
                    Flag  : in Integer_32 ;
                    Arg   : in System.Address ) return Integer_32 ;
   pragma Import (C, Ioctl, "ioctl");

   function Listen ( Fd  : in Integer_32;
                     Len : in Integer_32) return Integer_32;
   pragma Import (C, Listen, "listen");

   function Unix_Select ( Size       : in Integer_32;
                          Read_Set   : in System.Address;
                          Write_Set  : in System.Address;
                          Excep_Set  : in System.Address;
                          Time_Out   : in System.Address) return Integer_32;
   pragma Import (C, Unix_Select, "select");

   function Poll ( Set      : in System.Address;
                   Num      : in Integer_32;
                   Time_Out : in Integer_32) return Integer_32;
   pragma Import (C, Poll, "poll");

   function C_Pipe (Pipe  : in System.Address) return Integer_32 ;
   pragma Import (C, C_Pipe, "pipe" ) ;

   function Execute (Command : in String) return Integer_32 ;
   pragma Import (C, Execute, "system");

   function Host_To_Net_Short (X : in Word) return Word ;
end Tgx.System_Ios ;

List of definition uses

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