Define Base Date for Days Count

The Base Date for Days Count constant specifies the date used to interpret date values that are represented as an integer number of days from a base date in the Gregorian calendar.

The default base date is December 30, 1899, and so an integer value of zero in the COBOL data item thus represents this date, and an integer value of two in the COBOL data item represents the date January 1, 1900. Negative values are allowed in a signed COBOL data item to represent dates prior to the specified base date.

  1. On the Tools menu, click Date Constants.

    The Date Constants tab is displayed.

  2. In the Base Date for Days Count section, click and use the calendar to select a date.
  3. Click Save to save the changes to the catalog.
    Tip: If you click Defaults, the base date reverts back to December 30, 1899.