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Customizing and Deploying Installations


You can perform two types of installations:

Perform When you want to
A workstation installation Installs Reflection on a workstation hard disk. You can accept the default settings or customize the install by changing the default location, specifying an organization name, and selecting feature installation states.
An administrative installation Create an administrative installation point that can be used as a source for deployment.

You can perform these installations from the Installation wizard graphical interface, or from its command line. You can also install Reflection directly with MSI.

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Planning Your Installation and Deployment

You can choose from several different approaches for installing and deploying Reflection. Deciding which approach to use is typically based on a variety of factors, including your approved business processes, the scale of the deployment, your deployment tools, and whether you want to customize the installation.

For example, a small-scale deployment might consist of using the Setup program to install Reflection on a few workstations, whereas an enterprise-wide deployment would probably involve extensive customization and testing.

Use one of the following approaches, depending on your requirements.

  • Perform a workstation installation on each workstation

    Install all of the files for Reflection to a PC hard drive. You might choose this approach if you are installing Reflection on a small number of machines and you do not need to customize the installation.

  • Perform a basic deployment

    Perform an administrative installation to copy Reflection files to an administrative installation point. This is also referred to as creating an administrative installation image. Then, using deployment tools, you can access these files and create packages that are deployed to workstations. A basic deployment is a good choice when you need to deploy Reflection to a large number of workstations, but do not need to customize the installation.

  • Perform a customized deployment

    Perform an administrative installation to copy Reflection files to an administrative installation point (just as you would for a basic deployment). Then, customize the installation to specify the way it installs, looks, and acts on the end users\' computers. Customized deployments can be deployed to any number of workstations. In this scenario, you can provide users with customized files (for example Reflection workspaces and session documents).

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Create an Administrative Installation Point

To prepare your environment for deployment, create an administrative installation point. This is an installation option which installs all of the files required to install Reflection as well as the administrative tools used for customization. This installation is different from simply copying the package files to a network location in the following ways:

  • Any files that are compressed in the original package are uncompressed in the administrative installation point.

  • When a service pack is released, you can update your administrative installation directly by applying the patch to it.


    We recommend that you create an administrative installation point on your administrative workstation before installing Reflection. After you've created an administrative installation point, you can install Reflection by running setup.exe from the administrative installation point. If you install Reflection before you create the administrative installation, you'll need to create the administrative installation image using the command-line option described below.

To create an administrative installation point

  1. Create a network share on a network file server.

  2. Click the download link, and run the download program.

  3. Select a location for the installer files, and then click Next.

    This extracts the files to the specified location and starts the Installation Program. (If you have already downloaded the files, click the setup.exe file to start the installation program.)

  4. Click Continue and accept the license.

  5. From the Advanced tab, click Create an Administrative install image on a server.

    Only selections on the Advanced and File Location tabs apply to this procedure. Selections made on other tabs are ignored. Administrative installations always include all files used by the package.

  6. Click Continue.

  7. Browse to the network share you want to use for the administrative installation image. For installations on a network share, specify the path to the network share as a UNC path (for example: \\share_name\administrative_install_point).

    Administrative installation images are typically created in a file server folder. However, you can create administrative installation images in any folder on a local hard disk. This can be useful for testing purposes.

  8. Click Install Now.

To create an administrative installation from the command line

  1. Open a command window, running as an administrator.

  2. Use the following command syntax to start the installation:

    \setup.exe /install /admin TARGETDIR=

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Install from the Command Line

You can use the Setup program command line to install Reflection from the distribution image, or from an administrative installation image. You can also include command-line options in a batch file to preset installation parameters, and limit user interaction while Reflection is installing. You can even suppress installation dialog boxes to provide an unattended installation.

In addition, you can use command-line options to prepare Reflection for installation by users. In general, any of the MSI command-line options can be used from the Setup program command line.

To install from the command line

  • At the command prompt or the Start menu Run command, change to the directory in which the setup.exe file resides, and do one of the following:

    • To create an administrative installation image, type:

      setup.exe /install /admin TARGETDIR= path

      where path is the path to the administrative installation image on the server.


    • To install to a workstation with typical settings, type:

      setup.exe /install INSTALLDIR= path

      where \<path> is the path to the installation directory (INSTALLDIR=path is optional).


To view a list of the command-line options for customizing installations, change to the directory in which the setup.exe file resides and enter:

setup.exe /?

To install directly with MSI

At the command prompt or Start menu Run command, change to the directory in which the msi file resides and enter:

msiexec.exe /i installation_file_name.msi

  • For example, to install Reflection for Secure IT Client for Windows version 7.2, the command is:

  • msiexec.exe /i rsshc720.msi

Installation Logging

By default, the installer creates a log file in your Windows temporary folder and then deletes it only after the installation successfully completes. If the installation is not successful, this file can be helpful in troubleshooting the problem.

To locate the log file

  1. From the Windows Start menu, in the Search box, enter the following:


    This opens your Windows temporary folder.

  2. Search for a generated file name that starts with atm.


If you prefer to keep all installation logs, including after a successful install, you can change the log settings from the installer's Advanced tab.

Customizing Your Installation

You can use the Installation Customization Tool to customize Reflection for Secure IT installations. The procedures that follow describe how to start this tool and use it customize your installation. Additional information is available from the Installation Customization Tool Help menu.

Open the Installation Customization Tool

  1. Create an administrative installation point.

  2. On a command line, navigate to the administrative installation point and enter:

    setup.exe /admin


    If you have set up a shortcut to the Installation Customization Tool, double-click the shortcut.

  3. The Select Customization dialog box prompts you to choose which mode you want to open.

    To do this Select
    Create a new transform file (.mst) Create a new Setup customization file for the following product (the default)
    Create a new companion install package (.msi) Create a new Companion installer
    Open an existing file of either type Open an existing Setup customization file or Companion installer.

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Set up a shortcut to ACT

By default, the Installation Customization Tool (ICT) can be opened only from a command line. However, you can create a file shortcut and set the shortcut properties to open this tool. Although creating this shortcut is optional, you will find that it saves time when you are working with ICT.

To set up a shortcut that opens the Installation Customization Tool

  1. On your administrative installation point, right-click the setup.exe file then select Create Shortcut.

  2. Right-click the shortcut and choose Properties.

  3. In the Target field, add the /admin option to the end of the command line. For example:

    \\myServer\adminInstallPoint\setup.exe /admin


    Make sure that the path in the Target field follows the Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) format. Do not use drive letters in the path name --- this can cause problems when you try to use the shortcut on other workstations.

  4. Rename the shortcut and save it to the desktops of your workstation and the server you are using for your administrative installation point.

Creating and Editing Companion Installer Packages

Create a companion installer package to install any files that are not automatically installed with Reflection, including customized application settings. Companion installer packages are deployed independently of the installation. Therefore, you can upgrade the product without removing these support files. If you support several business units that require their own customized configuration files, you can create a companion installer package for each business unit.

Install the Companion Installer Package by adding it to your install or using any mechanism that supports Windows installer packages (.msi). Companion installer packages have no built-in user interface except a standard progress bar.

Basic steps for creating a companion package file

  1. Configure and test the settings files you want to deploy to users.

  2. Start Installation Customization Tool and select Create a new Companion installer.

  3. Use the Specify package information panel to configure the program name you want to appear in the Windows Programs and Features control panel.

  4. Use the Specify install locations panel to set the package either to install for all users (the default) or only the user who installs it. This setting can't be changed after you start adding files on the Add files pane.

  5. Use the Add files pane to specify which files to include in the companion installer package, where to install them, and whether to include a shortcut for any of the added files.

  6. If the application supports it, use the Modify user settings pane to customize user settings. The application must be installed on the administrative workstation.

    Your modified user settings appear in the Location column and are automatically included in the companion installer package.

  7. Add the companion installer package to your installation.

Editing an existing companion package file

  1. Start Installation Customization Tool and select Open an existing Setup customization file or Companion installer.

  2. Make your edits, then go to File > Save.

  3. This opens the Increase Package Version dialog box.

    • Click Yes to increase the version number. This is required if you want to support upgrades of the package on computers that have installed an earlier version. (If you use Reflection Security Gateway to deploy companion packages, you can configure it to deploy a newer version automatically to end users.)

    • Click No to keep the same version number. Use this option if you are editing a companion package that is not yet installed on user computers; or if you do not need to upgrade existing computers.

  4. Save the file using the same name or a different name. (The Windows Installer uses an internal GUID, not the filename to identify the package.)

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Create a Companion Install Package

Create a companion install package (also called a "companion database") to install any files that are not installed with Reflection.

To create a companion install package

  1. From your administrative installation point, open the Installation Customization Tool from a shortcut or by typing the following command line:

    \setup.exe /admin

  2. From the Select Customization dialog box, select Create a new Companion installer (or open an existing MSI), and then select OK.

  3. From the navigation pane, select Specify package information.

  4. In the Add/Remove name box and the Organization name box, type a name for the installation and the publisher that you want to be displayed in the Microsoft Windows "Uninstall or change a program" panel.


    The Windows Vista and Windows 7 Uninstall or change a program list is similar to the Windows Add or Remove Programs List for previous versions of Windows. It is accessed by selecting Programs and Features from the Control Panel.

  5. From the navigation pane, select Specify install locations.

  6. Under Installation type, select whether to install the files for all users or for only one user:

    Select To set up the companion installer package to
    Installs to all users of a machine Make files available for every user who logs onto the computer.

    Use this option for settings files, macros, and other configuration files that you want to be available to all users.
    Installs only for the user who installs it Make files available only for the user who installs it.

    CAUTION: Important! If you are deploying files that must be installed in the user’s personal data folders, you must select this option.
  7. In the Default installation > folder list, select the folder in which to install the files. (Files are deployed to this folder unless you specify another folder when you add a file.)


    The folders available in this list depend on which Installation type you chose. Installation Type folder options specify the access for the files (after the installation). These options affect only the folders to which you can install --- you cannot change these options after you add a file.

  8. In the Default shortcut > folder list, select the folder in which to install program shortcuts. (Shortcuts are deployed to this folder unless you specify another folder when you add a file.)


    To specify a folder location, you can select any of the predefined options in the drop-down list. The list of available locations depends on whether your installation is user-specific (the default) or for all users. For example [PersonalFolder] for user-specific installations, or [ProgramFilesFolder] for all user installations. You can edit these paths to include additional path information. For example: [PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\reflection\. You can also manually enter full path information. For example C:\demo\path. The location you specify must exist on all target computers.

    Installation type options specify the access for the files (after the installation). These options affect only the folders to which you can install --- you cannot change these options after you add a file.

  9. From the navigation pane, select Add files to add, update, or remove files or shortcuts.

    You can also modify setup properties or user settings for the companion installation.

    When you have finished creating your companion package, you can deploy it by itself or with Reflection. The package remains on the end user's computer until it is removed with the Microsoft Add/Remove Programs utility.

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Install Custom Settings with a Companion Installer

You can use the Installation Customization Tool to configure a customized Reflection for Secure IT. To do this, you can create one or more companion installer packages to install custom settings files, and then add the companion package(s) to your installation. You can specify both user-specific and global locations for installing files.


For names and locations of configuration files used by Reflection for Secure IT, see the lists that follow the procedure.

To create a companion package to install Reflection for Secure IT settings files

  1. Create an administrative installation image.

  2. From your administrative installation point, open the Installation Customization Tool from a shortcut or by typing the following command line:

    \setup.exe /admin

  3. From the Select Customization dialog box, select Create a new Companion installer (or open an existing MSI), and then click OK.

  4. From the navigation pane, click Specify package information. Use this panel to specify the program name your package will use in the Windows Programs and Features or Add or Remove Programs list. Also specify your organization name.

  5. From the navigation pane, click Specify install locations. Use this panel to specify whether you want to install files for all users (the default) or just for the user who installs the package you are creating. You can also specify default installation locations on this panel.

  6. From the navigation pane, click Add Files.

  7. Under Add files to, specify a destination location. For a list of files and file locations used by Reflection for Secure IT, see the lists that follow this procedure.

  8. (Optional) Click Include shortcut to install a shortcut users can use to open the installed file. For example, if you\'re installing a settings file (*.r3w), you can install a shortcut to launch Reflection using the settings in that file. You can use the Configure shortcuts panel to specify where the shortcut should be installed.

  9. Click Add, browse to locate the file you want to add to the installation, then click Open.

  10. Click File > Save As and enter a name for your installer file (for example ReflectionSettings.msi).

User-specific files and locations

File Name Add File To
*.r3w [PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\reflection\

NOTE: This is the default location for Reflection for Secure IT settings files. You can also use settings files in other locations
config [PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\reflection\.ssh

NOTE: For information about this file, see Secure Shell Client Configuration Files.
known_hosts [PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\reflection\.ssh

NOTE: For information about this file, see The Known Hosts File.
pki_config [PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\reflection\.pki

NOTE: This file configures Reflection Certificate Manager settings.
trust_store.p12 [PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\reflection\.pki

NOTE: This file configures Reflection Trusted Certificate Authorities
Settings.rfw [PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\reflection\

NOTE: This is the default location for FTP Client settings files. You can also configure the FTP Client using xml files. An advantage of using an xml settings file is the ability to deploy settings without including user-specific information such as user name and password.
rftp.xml [PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\reflection\

NOTE: You can create this file using the FTP Client Export command. Settings in this location are migrated to a Settings.rfw file the first time the user runs the FTP Client.
rsckrb5.xml [AppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\reflection\

NOTE: You can create this file using the Reflection Kerberos Manager Export Settings command. Settings in this location are migrated to the Windows registry the first time a user runs Reflection Kerberos Manager or runs any Reflection client configured to use Reflection Kerberos.

Global files and locations

File Name Add File To
ssh_config [CommonAppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\reflection\

NOTE: This is the global Secure Shell client configuration file.
ssh_known_hosts [CommonAppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\reflection\

NOTE: This is the global known hosts file.
pki_config [CommonAppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\reflection\.pki
trust_store.p12 [CommonAppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\reflection\.pki

NOTE: Settings in this location are migrated to a Settings.rfw file for each Windows user the first time the user runs the FTP Client.
rftp.xml [CommonAppDataFolder]Micro Focus\reflection\
rsckrb5.xml [CommonAppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\reflection\

NOTE: Settings in this location are migrated to the Windows registry for each Windows user the first time the user runs Reflection Kerberos Manager or runs any Reflection client configured to use Reflection Kerberos.

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Add a Companion Installer to your Installation

After you've created a companion package (.msi) with ICT, use this procedure to add it to your product installation. When end users run Setup.exe, any added packages are automatically installed after the primary installation is complete.

To add a companion installer package to your installation

  1. From your administrative installation point, open the Installation Customization Tool from a shortcut or by typing the following command line:

    \setup.exe /admin

  2. Select Create a new setup customization file for the following product, and then click OK.

  3. From the navigation pane, select User Interface and then select Use this customization with interactive installs using setup.exe.

  4. From the navigation pane, click Add installation and run programs.

  5. Click Add.

    The Add/Modify Program Entry dialog box opens.

  6. In the Target list, browse to select the companion installer file (.msi).

  7. Select Run this program after the base product has been installed.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Click File > Save As to save your transform.

    The Installation Customization Tool automatically updates the Setup.ini file, adding a [RunPrograms] section with instructions for installing your companion installer package.

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Install FTP Client Settings

This procedure uses the Modify user settings option in the Installation Customization Tool to install custom FTP Client settings.

Before you begin

  1. Create an administrative installation image.

  2. Install Reflection, including FTP Client, on your administrative workstation.

  3. Start FTP Client, configure the sites and settings you want to include in the installation, and save your settings.

To create a companion installer package

  1. From your administrative installation point, open the Installation Customization Tool from a shortcut or by typing the following command line:

    \setup.exe /admin

  2. From the Select Customization dialog box, select Create a new Companion installer (or open an existing MSI), and then click OK.

  3. From the navigation pane, select Specify package information. Use this panel to specify the program name your package will use in the Windows Programs and Features or Add or Remove Programs list. Also specify your organization name.

  4. From the navigation pane, click Specify install locations. Under Installation type, select Installs only for the user who installs it.


    If you are installing for all users, Modify user settings is not available for the FTP Client.

  5. From the navigation pane, click Modify User Settings.

  6. Select Reflection FTP Client in the list of Reflection products, then click Define.

  7. Select the FTP Client settings you want to include in your deployment and click OK.

    Your modified settings are included in the companion installer package you are creating.


    When User settings is deselected (the default), user-specific information, such as user names and passwords, is omitted from the exported file.

  8. Under Location, Installation Customization Tool automatically enters the correct location for deploying this file. Settings in the deployed settings file are migrated to a settings.rfw file for each user the first time the user runs the FTP Client.

  9. Click File > Save As and enter a name for your installer file (for example FTPClientSettings.msi). This file should be deployed with the installer.

  10. (Optional) Chain this installer to have it run automatically with the Setup program.

Creating and Editing Transforms

You can use Installation Customization Tool to create Windows Installer transform files (.mst) that customize your installation.

To create and use a transform file

  1. Start Installation Customization Tool and select Create a new Setup customization file for the following product.

  2. Make the modifications you want for your customized install. Typical changes include:

  3. Apply the transform to your installation.

More information

Create Transforms

Customize Reflection to specify the way you want it to install, look, and act on the end user's computer.

To create an installation transform

  1. From your administrative installation point, open the Installation Customization Tool from a shortcut or by typing the following command line:

    path_to_setup \setup.exe /admin

  2. Select Create a new setup customization file for the following product, and then click OK.

  3. Click items on the left to open the configuration panes and make your selections.

  4. From the File menu, select Save As and save the .mst file to the same folder as the installer package file for Reflection (setup.exe).

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Add (Chain) Installations and Run Programs

Your Open Text product makes it easy to "chain" installs. You can set up an install to run companion install packages automatically before or after the primary installation. You can also specify to run other scripts or programs.


This method of chaining installations applies only to installs performed with setup.exe. It does not apply to installs that use the MSI command line method.

To chain installations and programs

  1. From your administrative installation point, open the Installation Customization Tool from a shortcut or by typing the following command line:

    path_to_setup \setup.exe /admin

  2. Select Create a new setup customization file for the following product, and then click OK.

  3. From the navigation pane, select User Interface and then select Use this customization with interactive installs using setup.exe.

  4. From the navigation pane, select Add installations and run programs.

  5. Click Add.

    The Add/Modify Program Entry dialog box opens.

  6. In the Target list, enter or select the folder where the program .exe file or the .msi file resides, and then enter the executable to run. For example:

  7. Under Arguments, enter the command-line arguments to execute. For example:

    /i my_installation.msi
  8. To specify when to run the program, select one of the following:

    • Run this program after base product has been installed

    • Run this program before the base product has been installed


For most cases, select Run this program after the base product has been installed. If you select Run this program before the base product has been installed and the program fails, Reflection is not installed.

  1. Repeat these steps to add other programs or .msi files.

  2. To change the execution sequence, use the arrows next to Move in the lower-left area of the pane. To remove a program from the list, select it in the list and click Remove.

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Apply a Transform to Your Installation

If you have created a transform to customize how Reflection is installed, you need to deploy the transform with the primary installation. (This is in contrast to companion installation packages, which can be chained with the primary installation or installed separately.) Any install started with setup.exe or with command-line installs can include a transform.

To add the transform to installs started with setup.exe

  1. Start Installation Customization Tool and select Create a new Setup customization file for the following product.

  2. Go to the User interface panel.

  3. Select Use this customization with interactive installs using setup.exe.

    When you save your transform with this option selected, the Installation Customization Tool automatically updates the setup.inifile to apply the transform to your installation by adding the following line to the [Setup] section:


    This modification to setup.ini means that any install using setup.exe (using either the interactive user interface or using setup.exe on a command line) will automatically apply this transform.

  4. Save the transform to the default location (the folder that includes setup.exe).

    The transform can now be deployed to end users via the setup.exe file. (Users can run setup.exe directly or setup.exe can be called from a script or initiated from a command line.)


If the setup.ini file already specifies the transform file you want to install (as noted in step 3 of the previous procedure) do notspecify the transform on the command line.

To add the transform to a setup.exe command-line install

  • From the command line, use the following syntax:

    <path_to_setup>\setup.exe /install TRANSFORMS=<transform.mst>

Group Policy Support in Reflection

Reflection's Group Policy support provides administrators with an added tool for customizing and securing Reflection applications.

To use policies, the Reflection policy template must first be added to your policy editor as explained below. Each group policy features a description of what it can do on the Explain tab of the Properties sheet.

To install the Reflection policy template

  1. Locate ReflectionPolicy.adm in the adm folder in your Reflection distribution folder (or CD). This file needs to be available from the computer on which you will configure Group Policy.


    The ADM template file is required for adding the template to the Group Policy Editor, but after you have added the template, the file is no longer needed.

  2. Run the Group Policy editor using one of the following techniques:

    • Type the following at the command line:

    • In the Active Directory Users and Computers console, open the properties for an Organizational Unit, click the Group Policy tab, and edit or create a new policy object.

  3. Under User Configuration, right-click Administrative Templates and select Add/Remove Templates.

  4. In the Add/Remove Templates dialog box, click Add and browse to locate the ReflectionPolicy.adm file. Open the template, and then close the Add/Remove Templates dialog box.


    Most Reflection policies are configured per user. On Windows systems, view and edit these policies under Local Computer Policy > User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Classic Administrative Templates (ADM) > Reflection Settings.

Supported Policies

The following policies are available for Reflection for Secure IT and Reflection FTP Client.

* Does not apply to Reflection for Secure IT

** Does not apply to Reflection FTP Client

View and edit Reflection settings under Local Computer Policy > User Configuration > Administrative Templates > [Classic Administrative Templates (ADM)] > Reflection Setting.

Under Reflection Settings:

  • Allow Start Screen
  • Allow Reflection to save passwords *
  • Allow files to be sent to host computers
  • Allow files to be received from host computers
  • Allow Sessions without Settings Files **
  • Language Override
  • Allow tracing for troubleshooting **
  • Migration of settings from F-Secure to Reflection **
  • Allow unencrypted connections *
  • Folder for the default Auto Update file **
  • Settings only in these Folders **

Under Reflection Settings > When Reflection Exits:

  • Prompt if connected when user exits Reflection
  • Prompt when exiting all Reflection sessions
  • If there are unsaved changes **

Under Reflection Settings > Application Programming Interfaces:

  • Allow scripts and macros on the startup command line *
  • Allow other applications to use Reflection's OLE Automation interface *
  • Allow Reflection FTP Client Scripting *