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Select Terminal Type Dialog Box

Getting there
  1. Open a VT terminal session.

  2. Under Terminal Configuration, click Select Terminal Type.

Terminal Type
Terminal Type Select the terminal to emulate. This specifies the codes generated by the numeric keypad, the interpretation of control functions, and the response to terminal identification requests. (Values under Terminal automatically reset when you choose a terminal type.)
Support graphics Select to support the Tektronix 401x terminal type or the Remote Graphics Instruction Set (ReGIS) by DEC. REGIS includes the following features:
  • Up to 16 colors
  • Shading with selected patterns and polygon fill
  • Rubberband cursors
  • Rotated and italicized characters
  • Mouse support
  • A scaled graphic showing the complete ReGIS screen (800x480 pixels) on the physical display
Terminal Settings
Terminal Setup Set values specific to the type of terminal you are emulating. Changing the Terminal type resets all associated settings (that is, any setting from the Terminal Setup dialog box or the Advanced Options dialog box).

Emulation Tab for VT Terminal Types

Getting there
  1. Open a VT terminal session and then open the Settings dialog box.

  2. Under Terminal Configuration, click Configure Terminal Settings.

Set values specific to the type of terminal you are emulating. Changing the Terminal type resets all associated settings (that is, any setting from the Terminal Setup dialog box or the Advanced Options dialog box). These options apply to most VT terminal types.

Emulation Options
Host character set Select a character set to load as the default when a soft reset is performed; or when you invoke the DECSTR sequence. The Host character set may also be specified by the Select Character Set (SCS) sequence.
PC character set If you need the DOS character set for file transfer or printing, select DOS from this list.
Terminal ID Determines the response that Reflection sends to the host after a primary device attributes (DA) request. This response lets the host know what terminal functions it can perform. This setting is independent of the Terminal type setting.

When set to WRQ, Reflection responds to a primary DA request with the set of features it supports. The responses that Reflection sends for each terminal ID are listed in the VT Terminal Reference pdf file.

Reflection does not support the VT420 feature of multiple sessions over a single serial line.

Terminal IDs that end with the letter J (such as VT101J) indicate Japanese terminal support. These terminal IDs cause Reflection to send the correct DA response for Japanese terminals, and to size the DBCS (double-byte) characters appropriately.
Online Select to have Reflection function as a terminal (also called "remote mode").

Clear this option to enter local mode. In local mode, Reflection does not attempt to communicate with a host computer. Characters entered from the keyboard appear on the screen, but are not transmitted to the host; nor is any data received from the host (for example, notification of a mail message).

This value is not saved with your session document.
New line Select to send both a carriage return and line feed when you press Enter (known as new line mode). When Reflection receives a line feed, form feed, or vertical tab, it moves the cursor to the first column of the next line. When this option is cleared (linefeed mode), the Enter key sends only a carriage return. A line feed, form feed, or vertical tab received from the host moves the cursor down one line in the current column.

If lines on the display keep getting overwritten (that is, the host is not sending a line feed along with a carriage return), select this option. If this option is selected, but the host does not expect to receive a line feed with each carriage return, lines are double-spaced on the display.
Autowrap Select to make characters wrap to the next line automatically when the cursor reaches the right margin of the display.

This setting is different from the VAX host's terminal wrap characteristic, which is set with the following DCL command:


The host command determines whether characters wrap automatically when they reach the maximum terminal width set by the host's SET TERMINAL/WIDTH command (instead of using the right margin of the display, like this setting).
  • If terminal wrap is set on the host, characters wrap when they reach the maximum terminal width, regardless of whether Autowrap is selected.
  • If terminal wrap is not set and Autowrap is cleared, new characters overwrite the character at the right margin until a carriage return is entered.
Use ANSI color Select to use ANSI color in the Reflection terminal display under Reflection VT emulations. When selected, the ANSI Color Mapping section of the Modify Theme dialog box becomes enabled.
Treat ambiguous Unicode characters as wide This setting is available only when using the UTF-8 host character set.

Some Unicode characters resolve to either narrow or wide, depending upon the context in which they are used. In East Asian typography, these characters are usually display as wide.
Advanced Click to open the Advanced Options dialog box, from which you can configure advanced options for this terminal type.

NOTE: This button is not available for BBS-ANSI, SCO-ANSI, or VT-UTF8 emulation.

Emulation Tab for IBM 3151 Terminals

Getting there
  1. Open a VT terminal session and then open the Settings dialog box.

  2. Under Terminal Configuration, click Select Terminal Type.

  3. Under Terminal Type, under Other, select IBM 3151.

  4. Under Terminal Settings, click Terminal Setup.

IBM 3151 Emulation options
Host character set Select a character set to load as the default when a soft reset is performed; or when you invoke the DECSTR sequence. The Host character set may also be specified by the Select Character Set (SCS) sequence.
PC character set If you need the DOS character set for file transfer or printing, select DOS from this list.
Insert Character Select the way you want the INSERT key to behave.

Available actions:
  • Insert Space: Insert a Space character.
  • Mode Toggle: Toggle between Insert mode and Replacement mode.
Tab Select the way you want the TAB key to behave.

Available actions:
  • Column: The next tab stop.
  • Field: The next field of a formatted screen.
Received LF Select how you want a received line feed to be interpreted: as a line feed (LF), or as a carriage return followed by a line feed (LFCR).
Online Select to have Reflection function as a terminal (also called "remote mode").

Clear this option to enter local mode. In local mode, Reflection does not attempt to communicate with a host computer. Characters entered from the keyboard appear on the screen, but are not transmitted to the host; nor is any data received from the host (for example, notification of a mail message).

This value is not saved with your session document.
New line Select to send both a carriage return and line feed when you press Enter (known as new line mode). When Reflection receives a line feed, form feed, or vertical tab, it moves the cursor to the first column of the next line. When this option is cleared (linefeed mode), the Enter key sends only a carriage return. A line feed, form feed, or vertical tab received from the host moves the cursor down one line in the current column.

If lines on the display keep getting overwritten (that is, the host is not sending a line feed along with a carriage return), select this option. If this option is selected, but the host does not expect to receive a line feed with each carriage return, lines are double-spaced on the display.

Emulation Tab for Wyse Terminal Types

Getting there
  1. Open a VT terminal session and then open the Settings dialog box.

  2. Under Terminal Configuration, click Select Terminal Type.

  3. Under Terminal Type, select a Wyse terminal type.

  4. Under Terminal Settings, click Terminal Setup.

Wyse Emulation options

Host character set Select a character set to load as the default when a soft reset is performed; or when you invoke the DECSTR sequence. The Host character set may also be specified by the Select Character Set (SCS) sequence.
PC character set If you need the DOS character set for file transfer or printing, select DOS from this list.
Received CR Select how you want a received carriage return to be interpreted, as a carriage return alone (CR) or a carriage return followed by a line feed (CRLF).
Block terminator Select the end-of-transmission delimiter for block sends. This is typically set by the host application. The default value, US/CR, sends a US at the end of a line and a CR at the end of a page/block. CRLF/ETX sends a CR and LF at the end of a line and an ETX at the end of a page.
Return key Select the character the RETURN key transmits.
Enter key Select the character the ENTER key transmits.
Online Select to have Reflection function as a terminal (also called "remote mode").

Clear this option to enter local mode. In local mode, Reflection does not attempt to communicate with a host computer. Characters entered from the keyboard appear on the screen, but are not transmitted to the host; nor is any data received from the host (for example, notification of a mail message).

This value is not saved with your session document.
New line Select to send both a carriage return and line feed when you press Enter (known as new line mode). When Reflection receives a line feed, form feed, or vertical tab, it moves the cursor to the first column of the next line. When this option is cleared (linefeed mode), the Enter key sends only a carriage return. A line feed, form feed, or vertical tab received from the host moves the cursor down one line in the current column.

If lines on the display keep getting overwritten (that is, the host is not sending a line feed along with a carriage return), select this option. If this option is selected, but the host does not expect to receive a line feed with each carriage return, lines are double-spaced on the display.
Autowrap Select to make characters wrap to the next line automatically when the cursor reaches the right margin of the display.

This setting is different from the VAX host's terminal wrap characteristic, which is set with the following DCL command:


The host command determines whether characters wrap automatically when they reach the maximum terminal width set by the host's SET TERMINAL/WIDTH command (instead of using the right margin of the display, like this setting).
  • If terminal wrap is set on the host, characters wrap when they reach the maximum terminal width, regardless of whether Autowrap is selected.
  • If terminal wrap is not set and Autowrap is cleared, new characters overwrite the character at the right margin until a carriage return is entered.
Recognize del Select this option if you want Reflection to interpret a received DEL character.
Advanced Click to open the Advanced Options dialog box, from which you can configure advanced options for this terminal type.

Advanced Options Dialog Box for VT Terminal Types

Getting there
  1. Open a VT terminal session and then open the Settings dialog box.

  2. Under Terminal Configuration, click Configure Terminal Settings.

These options change depending on the terminal type selected.

VT features

User features locked Select to lock the following items so that they cannot be changed by the host:
  • Tab stops
  • Keyboard lock
  • Screen background
  • Scrolling speed
  • Auto repeat
User-defined keys locked Select to prevent the host from clearing or redefining user-defined keys.

This value is not saved with your session document.
Status line Select a status line type.

National Replacement Characters

National Replacement Set Available only when, from the Terminal Setup dialog box, ISO-Latin 1 or DEC Supplemental is specified as the Host character set.

Select one of the 12 national replacement character sets built into Reflection. National replacement sets are used in 7-bit operating environments, when characters from the supplemental character sets cannot be accessed by 8-bit codes. Each national replacement set replaces certain characters from the ASCII set with accented characters and symbols for a specific national language.
Use NRC (7-bit) Set In an 8-bit operating environment, you can enable a national replacement set with this option.

Answerback message

Answerback message If the host expects an answer in response to an ENQ character, type the answer here.
Insert special characters Select to allow escape sequences and ASCII control codes in the message (for example, press Enter to include a CR character).
Auto answerback Select to cause the answerback message to be sent to the host automatically after a communications line connection. You may transmit the answerback message at any time by pressing Alt+F7 (this method of sending the message replaces the VT320 keystroke Ctrl+Break).
Clear Click to clear the answerback message.
Conceal Click to replace the message with the word . Once a string is concealed, there is no way to unconceal it; you have to replace the text by typing new text, or click Clear to start again.
Serial device to host Select to maintain a serial connection to the configured port and send any characters received from this serial connection to the existing host connection. This setting is typically enabled by the host application when it is required.
Configure Click to select and configure a serial port.

The Configure button from the Terminal Setup Advanced Options dialog box is equivalent to the Configure button from the Logging Settings dialog box. You can use the button from either dialog box to configure your serial device port.

Advanced Options Dialog Box for IBM 3151 Terminals

Getting there
  1. Open a VT terminal session and then open the Settings dialog box.

  2. Under Terminal Configuration, click Select Terminal Type.

  3. Under Terminal Type, under Other, select IBM 3151.

  4. Under Terminal Settings, click Terminal Setup.

The options are:

IBM 3151 features

Null Suppress Send trailing nulls to the system. Clear this option to convert trailing nulls to spaces before sending them to the system.
Send Null Suppress When in Block mode, Reflection won't send null characters in terminal memory in a Send operation (Send line, Send page, Send memory). Clear this option to have null characters sent as spaces (in Block mode only).
Line Turnaround Char Define the LineTurnAround (LTA) character.

  • CR (default): A carriage return
  • ETX: End Of Text character, ASCII 3
  • EOT: An End Of Transmission Character, ASCII 4
  • DC3: A Device Control 3 (XOFF), ASCII 19
Force Insert Line Insert a null line at the selected line. This happens when an insert line operation is performed by either Reflection or the host under IBM 3151 emulation.

Select this option to force off the last line on a screen when a line insertion operation is performed and there is no null line that can be deleted to accommodate the insertion.
Force Insert Char Insert a null character at the selected character. This happens when an insert character operation is performed by either Reflection or the host under IBM 3151 emulation.

Select this option to force a character off a row (or off the end of the screen if Autowrap is on) when a character insertion operation is performed and there is no null character that can be deleted to accommodate the insertion.

Answerback message

Answerback message If the host expects an answer in response to an ENQ character, type the answer here.
Insert special characters Select to allow escape sequences and ASCII control codes in the message (for example, press Enter to include a CR character).
Auto answerback Select to cause the answerback message to be sent to the host automatically after a communications line connection. You may transmit the answerback message at any time by pressing Alt+F7 (this method of sending the message replaces the VT320 keystroke Ctrl+Break).
Clear Click to clear the answerback message.
Conceal Click to replace the message with the word . Once a string is concealed, there is no way to unconceal it; you have to replace the text by typing new text, or click Clear to start again.
Serial device to host Select to maintain a serial connection to the configured port and send any characters received from this serial connection to the existing host connection. This setting is typically enabled by the host application when it is required.
Configure Click to select and configure a serial port.

The Configure button from the Terminal Setup Advanced Options dialog box is equivalent to the Configure button from the Logging Settings dialog box. You can use the button from either dialog box to configure your serial device port.

Advanced Options Dialog Box for Wyse Terminal Types

Getting there
  1. Open a VT terminal session and then open the Settings dialog box.

  2. Under Terminal Configuration, click Select Terminal Type.

  3. Under Terminal Type, select a Wyse terminal type.

  4. Under Terminal Settings, click Terminal Setup.

The options are:

Wyse Features

Label lines The terminal decides how many label lines are visible by how many display rows are requested. Reflection allows you to always have two. If only one label line is visible, use the Shift key to display the second line.
Status line Select a status line type.

Answerback message

Answerback message If the host expects an answer in response to an ENQ character, type the answer here.
Insert special characters Select to allow escape sequences and ASCII control codes in the message (for example, press Enter to include a CR character).
Auto answerback Select to cause the answerback message to be sent to the host automatically after a communications line connection. You may transmit the answerback message at any time by pressing Alt+F7 (this method of sending the message replaces the VT320 keystroke Ctrl+Break).
Clear Click to clear the answerback message.
Conceal Click to replace the message with the word <Concealed>. Once a string is concealed, there is no way to unconceal it; you have to replace the text by typing new text, or click Clear to start again.
Serial device to host Select to maintain a serial connection to the configured port and send any characters received from this serial connection to the existing host connection. This setting is typically enabled by the host application when it is required.
Configure Click to select and configure a serial port.

The Configure button from the Terminal Setup Advanced Options dialog box is equivalent to the Configure button from the Logging Settings dialog box. You can use the button from either dialog box to configure your serial device port.

Keyboard & Mouse Tab (Terminal Setup Dialog Box)

Getting there
  1. Open a VT terminal session and then open the Settings dialog box.

  2. Under Terminal Configuration, click Configure Terminal Settings.

Keyboard modes

Auto repeat Select to make most keys repeat when pressed. The Shift, Return, and Ctrl keys do not auto repeat.
Break enabled Select to enable the Break function. When cleared, both the Break command and the VtF5 (Break) keystroke (Ctrl+Break) are disabled.
Local echo Select to cause each character typed at the keyboard to be immediately displayed on the screen. When you're communicating with the host computer, each character typed at the keyboard is transmitted to the host. Most host systems (for example, a VAX running VMS) immediately send the same character back to the terminal (that is, echo the character). The character is not displayed on the screen until it is received back from the host.

When you're online and you select this option, each character is sent two places: directly to display memory (the screen), and to the host computer. On an echoing host system, this means that each character you type appears twice on the screen. Select this option only when communicating with host systems that do not echo each typed character; for example, some public networks.


Margin bell Select to have your computer beep when the cursor is eight characters from the right margin.
Warning bell Select to have your computer beep when the ASCII bell character (Bel, decimal 7) is received from the host or entered from the keyboard.

To disable the format bell (which beeps, for example, when Reflection encounters an unprotected field), clear the Warning bell option.

Terminal keys

VT backspace sends Select the function that you want your Backspace key to send.

You can also remap the Backspace key using the Keyboard Mapper. Doing so has no effect on the VT backspace sends option. However, this option is affected when you remap the VtBackArrow terminal keystroke.
Cursor keys This option controls the characters that the four Arrow keys (on both the numeric and editing keypad) transmit. This setting is typically set by the host and is not saved to the session document.

If the Arrow keys aren't working properly, it may mean that this option remained incorrectly set to Application when a host program terminated abnormally. If changing this setting back to Normal doesn't fix the problem with the Arrow keys, check the value set for Terminal ID, and verify that it matches the type of terminal the host expects. The VT52 setting, for instance, sends different cursor key codes than the other (ANSI) modes.

NOTE: This feature is unavailable for WYSE emulation.
Keypad This option controls the characters that the numeric keypad keys transmit. This setting is typically set by the host and is not saved to the session document.

If the number or PF keys aren't working properly, it may mean that this option remained incorrectly set to Application when a host program terminated abnormally. If changing this setting back to Numeric doesn't fix the numeric keypad, check the VT operating level Mode and make sure it matches that of the host. The VT52 setting, for instance, sends different keypad codes than the other (ANSI) modes.

NOTE: This feature is unavailable for WYSE emulation.

Keyboard shortcuts


Settings in the Keyboard Mapper override these options.

Standard File and Edit menu shortcuts Select to enable the following keyboard shortcuts:

PC keystroke and Terminal function
  • Ctrl+A: Select All
  • Ctrl+C: Copy
  • Ctrl+F: Find
  • Ctrl+Shift+F: Find Next
  • Ctrl+O: Open File
  • Ctrl+P: Print File
  • Ctrl+V: Paste
  • Ctrl+X: Cut
Hold Screen shortcuts Select to have Reflection use Ctrl+Q to start and Ctrl+S to stop the processing of data from the host.

Clear Hold Screen shortcuts if you use a host application (such as EMACS) that requires the use of the Ctrl+S and Ctrl+Q characters. Clearing this option allows the Ctrl+S keystroke to send to the host a Ctrl+S character (ASCII decimal 19), and the Ctrl+Q keystroke to send to the host a Ctrl+Q character (ASCII decimal 17).

Mouse shortcuts

Always copy selected text to the clipboard Text selected using the left mouse button and drag action is copied to the Clipboard when you release the mouse button.
Right-click pastes clipboard text The contents of the Clipboard are pasted into Reflection at the cursor location when the right mouse button is clicked.

NOTE: Settings in the Mouse Mapper override these options.
Middle button pastes clipboard text The contents of the Clipboard are pasted into Reflection at the cursor location when the middle mouse button is clicked.

NOTE: Settings in the Mouse Mapper override these options.
Rectangular Selection Dragging the mouse across an area selects only the text within that area. When this option is cleared(unchecked), the selection wraps to line ends.

Keyboard & Mouse Tab for IBM 3151 Terminals

Getting there
  1. Open a VT terminal session and then open the Settings dialog box.

  2. Under Terminal Configuration, click Configure Terminal Settings.

Keyboard modes

Auto repeat Select to make most keys repeat when pressed. The Shift, Return, and Ctrl keys do not auto repeat.
Break enabled Select to enable the Break function. When cleared, both the Break command and the VtF5 (Break) keystroke (Ctrl+Break) are disabled.
Local echo Select to cause each character typed at the keyboard to be immediately displayed on the screen. When you're communicating with the host computer, each character typed at the keyboard is transmitted to the host. Most host systems (for example, a VAX running VMS) immediately send the same character back to the terminal (that is, echo the character). The character is not displayed on the screen until it is received back from the host.

When you're online and you select this option, each character is sent two places: directly to display memory (the screen), and to the host computer. On an echoing host system, this means that each character you type appears twice on the screen. Select this option only when communicating with host systems that do not echo each typed character; for example, some public networks.


Margin bell Select to have your computer beep when the cursor is eight characters from the right margin.
Warning bell Select to have your computer beep when the ASCII bell character (Bel, decimal 7) is received from the host or entered from the keyboard.

To disable the format bell (which beeps, for example, when Reflection encounters an unprotected field), clear the Warning bell option.

Terminal keys

Select how the following keys act when pressed under IBM 3151 emulation.

Send Key The default value transmits the entire page to the host. Select Line to have Reflection transmit only the selected line to the host.
Return Key The default value transmits a newline request to the host. Select Field to have Reflection move to the next field of a formatted screen.
Enter Key The default value acts as a Send key. Select Return to have the Enter key act as a Return key.
Backspace Key Select a value to send when the Backspace key is pressed.

The values available represent the unshifted/shifted states you can choose from. For example, selecting BS/DEL means pressing Backspace sends a Backspace to the host. Pressing the Shift key and then pressing Backspace will send a Delete to the host.

The following values designate:
  • BS: Backspace, ASCII 8
  • DEL: Delete, ASCII 127
  • CAN: Cancel, ASCII 24

Keyboard shortcuts


Settings in the Keyboard Mapper override these options.

Standard File and Edit menu shortcuts Select to enable the following keyboard shortcuts:
  • Ctrl+A:Select All
  • Ctrl+C: Copy
  • Ctrl+F: Find
  • Ctrl+Shift+F: Find Next
  • Ctrl+O: Open File
  • Ctrl+P: Print File
  • Ctrl+V: Paste
  • Ctrl+X: Cut
Hold Screen shortcuts Select to have Reflection use Ctrl+Q to start and Ctrl+S to stop the processing of data from the host.

Clear Hold Screen shortcuts if you use a host application (such as EMACS) that requires the use of the Ctrl+S and Ctrl+Q characters. Clearing this option allows the Ctrl+S keystroke to send to the host a Ctrl+S character (ASCII decimal 19), and the Ctrl+Q keystroke to send to the host a Ctrl+Q character (ASCII decimal 17).

Mouse shortcuts

Always copy selected text to the clipboard Text selected using the left mouse button and drag action is copied to the Clipboard when you release the mouse button.
Right-click pastes clipboard text The contents of the Clipboard are pasted into Reflection at the cursor location when the right mouse button is clicked.

NOTE: Settings in the Mouse Mapper override these options.
Middle button pastes clipboard text The contents of the Clipboard are pasted into Reflection at the cursor location when the middle mouse button is clicked.

NOTE: Settings in the Mouse Mapper override these options.
Rectangular Selection Dragging the mouse across an area selects only the text within that area. When this option is cleared (unchecked), the selection wraps to line ends.

Tabs Tab (Terminal Setup Dialog Box)

Getting there
  1. Open a VT terminal session and then open the Settings dialog box.

  2. Under Terminal Configuration, click Configure Terminal Settings.

Tab Stops

Tab stops Use the mouse, cursor keys, or Spacebar to move the scroll bar to the desired column and click; a T appears on the ruler. Repeat the procedure until all tabs are set. If you're in 132-column mode, use the scroll bars to move beyond the 81st column to set a tab stop.

To clear a single tab stop, click the tab position with the mouse (each click of the mouse toggles between setting a tab stop and clearing it).
Clear All Click to clear all tabs set on the tab ruler.

The left margin is always an implicit tab stop and is not affected by Clear All.
Set Every To set tab stops at equidistant positions, enter a number in the box and click Set Every.

Graphics Tab (Terminal Setup Dialog Box)

Getting there
  1. Open a VT terminal session and then open the Settings dialog box.

  2. Under Terminal Configuration, click Configure Terminal Settings.


Terminal type Select which terminal is emulated and how many shades or colors are available in ReGIS:
  • The VT240 and VT330 are monochrome graphics terminals, providing up to four shades of gray at once.
  • The VT241 and VT340 are color graphics terminals; the VT241 provides up to four different colors at once, while the VT340 provides up to 16 different colors.

This value is independent of the settings for Terminal ID on the Emulation tab.
Graphics output cursor Clear this option to hide the graphics output cursor.

ReGIS displays two types of graphic cursors: an input cursor and an output cursor. The input cursor appears when ReGIS is waiting for graphics input, such as a cursor position report. You can position the input cursor with the mouse or the Arrow keys. A graphics output cursor appears when ReGIS is waiting for commands from the host (or from the ReGIS command line).

Displaying the graphics output cursor can also be controlled by the ReGIS command S(C<n>). The ReGIS command option controls the style of the graphics output cursor.
Macrograph reports Clear this option to disable macrograph reporting for security or other reasons.

A macrograph is a way to define and store a set of ReGIS commands as a single character; that is, as a graphics macro. By default, ReGIS can report the contents of a specific macrograph.


Print mode Select how sixel data is sent to the host or a Digital printer.

Available options:
  • Compress: Print an image pixel-for-pixel.
  • Rotate: Rotate the image 90 degrees (from portrait to landscape orientation). If you want the actual output to print rotated, from the Print Setup dialog box, select Landscape as the Orientation option.
  • Expand: Print each pixel twice as wide and twice as high.

    Expanded printing applies only when sending sixel data to the host (selected by the Destination), not to a PC printer.
Destination When you print a graphics image using the ReGIS hard copy command, the image can be sent either to the host or a Digital printer.

When the graphics image is sent to the host, it is sent as a stream of sixel data. The host must be ready to accept the data; for example, by collecting it in a file.

When the image is sent to a host printer, it is printed as a bitmap image. If Bypass Windows print driver is selected from the Print Setup dialog box, a sixel data stream is sent to the printer (assuming you are printing to a Digital printer).
Graphics level With this option, you can match Reflection to Digital printer capabilities, such as aspect ratio, horizontal grid size, background printing, and color printing. The sixel data string sent to the host varies based on the graphics level for details about the sixel data format.

This setting applies only when sending sixel data to the host or a Digital printer when Bypass Windows printer driver is selected from the Print Setup dialog box.

This setting also affects saving display sixels from the Save Display As dialog box.
Color printing Select Color or Mono (black and white) printing.

This setting applies only when sending sixel data to the host or a Digital printer when Bypass Windows printer driver is selected from the Print Setup dialog box.

This setting also affects saving display sixels from the Save Display As dialog box.
Color specification If you are printing in color, select the color coordinate system to use for color sixel printing.

This setting applies only when sending sixel data to the host or a Digital printer when Bypass Windows printer driver is selected from the Print Setup dialog box.

This setting also affects saving display sixels from the Save Display As dialog box.
Scrolling A sixel is a vertical column of six pixels used to display graphic images. When scrolling is enabled, the sixel image begins at the current text position. A sixel image will scroll the display when the image reaches the bottom margin of the display (if it doesn't fit, the image may also scroll off the top of the display). A graphics newline character is sent immediately after the sixel dump, and the text cursor is set at the same position as the sixel cursor when you exit sixel mode.

When this option is cleared, the sixel image begins at the upper left of the display. When the image reaches the bottom margin, the display does not scroll, and additional sixel commands are ignored. Upon exiting sixel mode, the text cursor is set at the same position as when sixel mode was entered.


CR processing When you select CR-LF, a linefeed character is appended to each carriage return character. This is useful when you're operating in local mode (when, from the Terminal Setup dialog box, on the Emulation tab, the Online option is cleared).
LF processing When you select LF-CR, a carriage return character is appended to each linefeed character. This is useful when you're operating in local mode (when, from the Terminal Setup dialog box, on the Emulation tab, the Online option is cleared).
Del processing Reflection interprets DEL characters as valid ASCII characters. To have Reflection ignore DEL characters, select Ignored.
GIN terminator Select which character or characters act as a terminator for cursor address information.
Destructive overwrite By default, a character typed over another one in Tektronix emulation does not erase the first one: the second character is superimposed on the first. Select this option to specify that you want a character cell blanked out before a character is drawn.


Print graphics Select this option to print graphics along with the text when sending sixels to the host or to a Digital printer.

This setting also affects saving display sixels from the Save Display As dialog box.
Print background Select whether to print the graphics image with or without the background color when sending sixels to the host or a Digital printer.

Clear this option to print to a printer that can print only a black and white bitmap, and no shades of gray. The colors of the screen image are inverted for printing. This makes light-colored graphics print as black images on white paper. If you're printing 16-color graphics, the resulting images may be unpredictable as a 16-color image must be converted to a 2-color (black and white) bitmap. This applies to sixels generated as well as graphics printed on Windows printers.

This setting also affects saving display sixels from the Save Display As dialog box.


VGA dithering Select to cause bitmaps copied to the Clipboard to be dithered to standard VGA colors. This is useful for pasting graphic images into Windows applications that are not palette-aware (for example, Windows Paint).

Select the level of dithering to be applied when a 256-color image is pasted into the terminal window from the Clipboard. Because Reflection emulates a 16-color terminal, it uses an algorithm to determine exactly how colors should be mapped. The best dithering choice for an image may vary depending on the image.
Available options:
  • Half: A pasted image that takes a middle course between the None and Full values.
  • Full: The most accurate color translation. However, the pasted image could have a grainy, textured appearance.
  • None: A pasted image with a color specified for each individual pixel. This option produces the crispest image. However, there may be no distinct color boundaries.

    NOTE: Selecting None as the level of VGA dithering does not have the same effect as clearing the VGA dithering check box. The state of the check box controls whether the image is converted to a VGA-displayable image when it is copied — if the check box is cleared, the exact image is copied (including its exact colors). This works well when pasting graphics into applications that are palette-aware (such as Photoshop).

    For applications that are not palette-aware (such as Windows Paint), select this check box and pick a dithering option (explained above) that determines how Reflection processes the pixels.
Copy background When cleared, bitmaps copied to the Clipboard are edited so that the background color is set to white, and all near-white colors are set to black. This is useful for pasting graphic images into word processing documents.