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Base Class Library


ArrayedCollection is an abstract class which represents the common behavior for all fixed size indexed collections.

Class-Control Entry

Include this entry in the Class-Control paragraph of any program using this class.

ArrayedCollection is class "arrayed"



buttonClass Methods

Instance Methods

The list includes methods inherited from superclasses up to, but not including, Collection. For other inherited methods, click the button below:


add Using avoidparam
atAllPut Using anelement
collect Using amessage
Returning anewcollection
concat Using acollection
Returning anewcollection
copyFromTo Using fromindex toindex
Returning anewcollection
copyReplace Using fromindex toindex acollection
Returning anewcollection
copyReplaceAll Using acollection acollection2
Returning anewcollection
copyWith Using anelement
Returning anewcollection
copyWithOut Using anelement
Returning anewcollection
deepCopy Returning anewcollection
do Using amessage
doWithOutCopy Using amessage
equal Using acollection
Returning lnkbool
findFirst Using amessage
Returning anindex
findLast Using amessage
Returning anindex
first Returning anelement
firstIndexOf Using anelement fromindex toindex
Returning anindex
firstIndexOfIdentity Using anelement fromindex toindex
Returning anindex
growTo Using requiredSize
Returning defaultreturn
indexOfSubCollection Using acollection anindex
Returning anindex2
insertAllAfter Using anindex acollection
Returning anewcollection
isatIdentity Using anelement anindex
Returning lnkbool
keysAndDatado Using amessage
last Returning anelement
lastIndexOf Using anelement fromindex toindex
Returning anindex
occurrencesOf Using anelement
Returning anumber
reject Using amessage
Returning anewcollection
remove Using anobject
replaceAll Using anelement anelement2 fromindex toindex
replaceSubCollection Using fromindex toindex acollection fromSource
reverse Returning anewcollection
reverseDo Using amessage
select Using amessage
Returning anewcollection
size Returning acollectionsize
withDo Using acollection amessage