Starting Code Analysis

When you execute tests in the Manual Testing window, you can start code analysis to deliver information about what code is covered by the manual test. For information on how to enable code analysis, see Enabling Code Analysis.

Make sure that you have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed and that the application is allowed to run. You can download JRE from Java SE Downloads. If your browser does not support NPAPI, Silk Central automatically offers to download and run a JNLP file, which is required to enable this feature.

To start code analysis:

  1. Open the Manual Testing window. For more information, see Manual Testing Window.
  2. Click (Show Details) on the left side to expand a test step.
  3. Click Start Code Analysis (Start Code Analysis). If your browser does not support NPAPI, Silk Central automatically offers to download and run a JNLP file, which is required to enable this feature. The Start Code Analysis dialog box appears.
  4. Select a Profile and enter one or more Hostnames. If coverage information already exists for this test, you can replace it by checking the checkbox. Click Start Code Analysis to actually start the process.
  5. When you are done, click Stop Code Analysis. The code analysis information is automatically attached to the test run.
  6. To view the attached code analysis information, click . To view the code analysis report, select Reports > Code Analysis.
Note: You can perform the task described in this topic both on test level and on step level.