Gathering Information About the People in Your Organization

To gather information about the people in your organization:
  1. Draw up a list of groups.
  2. Decide which security privileges and initial issue states are appropriate for all members in each group.
  3. Draw up a list of accounts. Each user who logs into Issue Manager is required to have an account.
  4. Decide on a naming scheme for your accounts. Include the assigned group, and, if necessary, one or more Inboxes. Ask yourself the following questions:
    • Which accounts need extra security privileges that are not covered by the group's privileges?
    • Should the initial issue states for this account differ from those of the group?
    • Do you want login to require passwords?
  5. While reviewing the list of user accounts, note which users need Inboxes. Do groups need Inboxes, too? Decide on an inbox naming scheme.
  6. You may customize the default view for all users. All users have the same default view of Inboxes. The view contains eight columns of information.