Setting Up Your Data

Once you feel comfortable using Issue Manager, you can enter information about your organization into a database. You can enter this information in the Configuration page. To open the Configuration page, click Issues > Configuration.

Your first step should be to gather information about your organization's work processes. Take the time to plan carefully. To effectively use Issue Manager in your organization you have to gather information about the following major areas:
  • People.
  • Products.
  • The suitability of the Issue Tracking page, the action dialog boxes, and the workflow of Issue Manager for your organization.
Complete the following activities in the following order:
  1. Gather information about the people in your organization.
  2. Gather information about products.
  3. Optional: Assess the interface and the workflow of Issue Manager. You can customize the Issue Tracking page, the action dialog boxes, the severities list, and the workflow in the Configuration page.
  4. Create your own database and populate it with the setup data.