Configuring DPAnalysis to launch Your AUT

  1. Create a .BAT file that points to DPAnalysis.exe. An example would be:
    "C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\DevPartner\Analysis\dpanalysis.exe" /cov /USE_AUTOMATION_INTERFACE 
    /W "C:\Common\Development\MYAPP" 
    /P "C:\Common\Development\MYAPP\MyApp.exe"
  2. For readability, the example above is on multiple lines. Your .BAT file should be on one line. Make the following modifications:
    1. Ensure that the first line is your installation path to dpanalysis.exe. The two switches are mandatory.
    2. The second line contains a mandatory switch and needs to include the path to your executable and PDBs.
    3. The third line contains a mandatory switch and needs to include the absolute path to your test application and the application name.
  3. Double-click the .BAT file to have DPAnalysis launch your application.
For more information on running DPAnalysis.exe, see the topic titled Using DpAnalysis.exe. That topic and related topics contain information on additional switches and how to use a configuration file if you have multiple applications to test.