Logged actions

The following actions are logged to the smServerLog.log file, which is located in the %PROGRAMDATA%\Borland\Silk\SilkMeter\cfg\silkmeter\logs directory:
Action Log File Syntax
Init date action producer timestamp
For example:
[09/18/2018, 13:49:03] Init segue 1032349743
Start date action licenseID policyID user group host part amount token project producer timestamp
For example:
[09/19/2018, 15:51:20] Start LicId: 1 PolId: 500 User: testUser Group: sgme_windows Host: enya Part: 0 Amount: 1 Tokens: 0 Project: segue segue 1032443480
Check date action licenseID policyID units part amount token producer timestamp
For example:
[09/19/2018, 15:51:25] Stop LicId: 4 PolId: 510 Part: 0 Amount: 1 segue 1032443485
Stop date action producer licenseID policyID part amount producer timestamp
For example:
[09/19/2018, 15:51:25] Stop LicId: 4 PolId: 510 Part: 0 Amount: 1 segue 1032443485
Error date action errornum product version user group host part amount units time project producer timestamp
For example:
[09/18/2018, 15:51:28] Error 101 SilkPerformerWebVU 19.5 User: testUser Group: sgme_windows Host: enya Part: 0 Amount: 1 Units: 0 Project: segue segue 1032443488
New Period
New Period date action policyID timestamp length producer timestamp
For example:
[09/18/2018, 15:29:29] NewPeriod PolId: 501 Time: 1050326969 Length:1440 segue 1050326969
Checkout Mobile
Checkout Mobile date action policyID user client licenses days timestamp
For example:
[09/20/2018, 13:10:44] Checkout Mobile PolId: 678 User: Administrator Client: enya Licenses: 2 Days: 2 1505905844
Checkin Mobile
Checkin Mobile date action policyID client licenses startDate endDate timestamp
For example:
[09/20/2018, 13:11:23] Checkin Mobile PolId: 678 Client: enya Licenses: 2 Start: 20170920 End: 20170922 1505905883
Add Product
Add Product date action product version policyID
For example:
[10/18/2018, 13:13:55] Add Product: SilkPerformerWebVU Version: 19.5 PolId: 600
Add Product Error
Add Product Error date action errornum product version policyID
For example:
[10/18/2018, 13:13:55] Add Product Error: SilkPerformerWebVU Version: 19.5 PolId: 600
Remove date action policyID
For example:
[10/18/2018, 13:13:10] Remove PolId: 600