
A policy is a license key that enables you to use an application. Each policy contains specific policy information and an authentication key.

Applications that are controlled by Silk Meter have one of the following policy types:
Policy Type Description
Floating The controlled software can run on any computer on a network. A CORBA server manages the number of available access keys.
Standalone The controlled software can run on any computer on a network and may also be used in standalone mode, which means without a running Silk Meter server. Policies of this type contain the allow_standalone property.
Standalone only The controlled software can only be used in standalone mode, which means without a running Silk Meter server. Policies of this type contain the force_standalone property.
The following Silk Meter policy properties control the application usage by specifying usage restrictions and bindings:
Policy Property Description Required/Optional
product The name of the product with which the policy is associated. A product name is required to form a valid policy. Required
version The version number of the product that you are licensing. This is required to form a valid policy. Required
key Hash value used to protect the policy against manipulation. Required
licenses The number of concurrent product licenses or the number of licensed virtual users, depending upon the product that you are licensing. Optional
hostname The name of the machine to which a policy is restricted. Optional
serverid The MAC address of the machine to which a policy is restricted. Optional
timeframe The time period for which the policy is valid. Optional
allow_older_versions When set to true, requests for older versions of this policy are authenticated. Optional

Sample Policy

A Silk Meter policy for a virtual user of Silk Performer might look similar to the following:
license ( segue, SamplePolicy )
  product = SilkPerformerWebVU;
  version = 19.5;
  key = e6ec7d074cc96208d37d5e9574641729;
  licenses = 1;
  serverid = 00FEAB3412A1;
  timeframe = (10/01/2018 to 11/25/2018);
  allow_older_versions = false;
  allow_standalone = true;