Scheduling Silk Test Monitors

Run Once Now

Before actually scheduling a monitor execution, we recommend to try out whether everything works first. If Silk Test is open, shut it down. From the Performance Manager ConfigurationMonitors page, select the Run Now button to schedule the monitor for immediate execution.

At this point refrain from touching the mouse or keyboard. The Silk Test monitor will take over the desktop and execute the script.

Verifying Script Execution

After the Silk Test monitor has executed, browse to the execution logs within Performance Manager. To do this go to Reports > Execution Log. An execution should be listed with a very recent timestamp (sometimes there is a delay in the Execution Log reporting). Select the Results button corresponding to the monitor execution.


If you have included custom timers in your Silk Test script, the custom timer results will appear on the Results page towards the bottom. This timer will be saved with Performance Manager and used as the data point for the monitor execution.

Scheduling Silk Test Monitors

You schedule Silk Test monitors in exactly the same fashion as other monitors. Navigate to Configuration > Monitors and select the Schedule button. Modify the schedule as needed (see Adding Custom Monitor Schedules for detailed information).

Using Timers

If you are going to use specific timers and you want those timers to be visible in Performance Manager, you will need to create timers in your xxx.t file - see the example below for creating, setting and ending the timer:
[] HTIMER Checkbox
[] Checkbox=TimerCreate("Checkbox")
[] TimerStart(Checkbox)
[] // wrap around the action
[] TestApplication.SetActive ()
[] TestApplication.Control.CheckBox.Pick ()
[] CheckBox1.SetActive ()
[] CheckBox1.TheCheckBox.Check ()
[] CheckBox1.Exit.Click ()
[] TimerStop(Checkbox)
[] TimerDestroy(Checkbox)