Creating Silk Test Monitors

In order to execute a Silk Test monitor in Performance Manager you must first have a Performance Manager project created and a suitable execution server defined (see Performance Manager Administration Guide for directions).
To create a Silk Test monitor:
  1. Select a project (Performance Manager > Projects).
  2. Select Performance Manager > Configuration and click the Monitors tab. The Monitors tab displays all monitors that have been created for the project. Click the Add New Monitor link.
  3. The Configure Monitor - Select Monitor Type page contains a list of all monitors that have been uploaded to Performance Manager. Select Custom Monitors > <your monitor>.stp.
  4. The New Silk Test Monitor Settings dialog appears. The following settings are available:
    • Test Script: The test script to execute. All scripts contained in the selected stp file are available in the list.
    • Test Case: The test case to execute. The test case can be selected from a list or entered manually in the Custom field.
    • Test Data (optional): The test data for the Silk Test execution. If several arguments are passed to Silk Test, they have to be separated by a comma (,). If a String argument is passed to Silk Test, the argument must be surrounded by double quotes (").
    • Terminal Services User (optional): The Terminal Service User credentials are specified for each execution server. Checking the Override Execution Server Settings check box and entering a valid Username and Password for the monitor allows overriding the execution server user credentials for this monitor.
      Note: This setting will be used on all execution servers where the monitor is executed.
    • Color Depth: The color depth for the Terminal Service session.
    • Time-out: The execution time-out for the monitor execution in seconds.
  5. Click Next. The Configure Monitor - Define Monitor Settings page appears, allowing you to adjust the attributes of your test script so that it serves as an effective monitor (see Adding a Monitor for details regarding parameters that are available for editing).
  6. Click Finish to add the monitor.