Execution Server Settings Page

Administration > Locations > <Location> > New/Edit Execution Server

Use the Execution Server Settings page to configure execution servers within a location.

Item Description
Execution server name Defines a name for the execution server. This name will appear in all tables and result reports for executions from this specific computer. You can enter up to 100 characters.
Host or IP-address

Specifies the name of the host or the IP-address of the computer on which the execution server is installed.

Some networks may only find the execution server if you specify the full name of the host, including the name of the domain, for example MyHost.MyDomain.

Port Specifies the port of the computer defined in the Host or IP-address text box on which the execution server listens.

Check this check box if you want the application server to connect to the execution server through Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

If you selected to use a proxy server for the location to which this execution server is assigned, you must check Use SSL with port 443.

Usage Specifies which kind of scripts the execution server is able to execute.
Alerting Select this option if you want the execution server to execute alerting Essential. Alerting execution servers should be on the same LAN as the application server. Alternately, it makes sense to configure an alerting execution server on the same computer on which the application server is installed.
Silk Performance Manager
Select Silk Performance Manager if you want the execution server to execute monitors. If you select this option, the following settings can be specified:
Client Side Monitoring (Business Transactions)
Enables the execution server to execute client side monitors, like Silk Performer STM monitors and Silk Test monitors.
Server Side Monitoring (PDCE, IIOP, OCI, ...)
Enables the execution server to execute server side (infrastructure) monitors, which monitor the state and health of systems.
Supports Silk Test Execution
Enables the execution server to execute Silk Test monitors. Make sure that Silk Test is installed on the execution server.
Important: If Supports Silk Test Execution is selected, you must also select Client Side Monitoring. If you select this option, we recommend to enable the usage of Terminal Services/Remote Desktop Services sessions.
Use Terminal Services
Enables the execution of Silk Test monitors in Terminal Services/Remote Desktop Services sessions, allowing parallel execution of multiple monitors on a single execution server. If this option is enabled, you need to specify the following settings:
Terminal Services Username
Specifies a valid Terminal Services/Remote Desktop Services user.
Terminal Services Password
Valid password for the specified Terminal Services/Remote Desktop Services user.
Terminal Services Max Number of Sessions
Specifies the maximum amount of parallel Terminal Services/Remote Desktop Services sessions running Silk Test monitors.
Terminal Services Connection Timeout (s)
Time in seconds after which the monitor execution aborts if a Terminal Services/Remote Desktop Services connection was not successfully established.
Responsiveness timeout [s] Enter a responsiveness timeout in seconds. The responsiveness timeout is the period of time after which the application server will time out if the execution server does not respond. After 2/3 of the time defined here, the administrator will be warned through email that the execution server is no longer available. For detailed information, see Failover System.
Max. bandwidth [KBit/s] Enter the maximum bandwidth in KBit/s. If the network traffic of all scheduled test executions exceeds this number, the execution server will queue any additionally scheduled executions.
Description A description of the execution server. You can enter any text for the description.
Status Check this check box to activate the execution server. If you do not activate the execution server, it will not be available for monitor executions.
Check Click this button to establish a test connection to the execution server. You will receive a message stating that the execution server has successfully been connected. If you receive an error message, ensure that your settings are correct, the network is configured properly, and that the required software is installed on the execution server you are setting up.