New LDAP Server Dialog Box

Note: The Edit LDAP Server dialog box contains the same items as the Add LDAP Server dialog box.

The dialog box includes the following items:

Item Description
Name Specifies the name of the LDAP server as it should appear in the Performance Manager GUI. You can define any name for the LDAP server; this field has no impact on the actual LDAP settings.
Description A description of the LDAP server. You can enter any text for the description of the LDAP server; this field has no impact on the actual LDAP settings.
Active Activates the LDAP server, if checked. If unchecked, the LDAP server's services are not available to Performance Manager.
Hostname The LDAP server URL.
Port The LDAP port. The default port is 389. When using SSL, the default LDAP port is 636.

Defines whether Performance Manager connects to the LDAP server through SSL (if checked) or without SSL (if unchecked). This check box is closely related to the settings defined in the Port field.

Bind DN (optional) The distinguished name of the user who is to be used to bind to the LDAP service. This user must have read rights on the directory from the given Base DN root. If this field is left empty, anonymous access will be used, except for LDAP servers that do not support anonymous access.
Password (optional) The password of the user defined in the Base DN field. This is not required when anonymous access is allowed.
Base DN Base Distinguished Name (DN) root node for LDAP queries. For example DC=comp,DC=net.
Filter The filter that is to be used for querying LDAP. Filters must contain a placeholder enclosed in braces.

Example 1: (sAMAccountName={%username})