SMS Notification Page

Administration > System > Notification > SMS

Use this page to configure an SMS server for your Performance Manager applications. The page displays the following items:

Item Description
Email address of mobile provider Can be obtained from the network provider that offers mobile services for sending SMS messages. The address includes a {#} symbol as a place holder, which should be replaced by the phone number receiving the SMS message. For example
Email address of sender Is provided by your service provider.For example
Mobile phone number for test SMS Any cellular phone number that you want to send a test SMS to by clicking Check.
Subject The subject of an SMS that is sent by the system. The subject of the SMS should be a series of letters, numbers, or symbols, for example Alarm.
Check Sends a test SMS to the recipient defined in the Mobile phone number for test SMS text box.
Reset Clears all fields on this page.
Save Saves your settings.