Web Settings

You can change the Web settings in the Web Settings dialog box from the Silk Performer menu.

In this dialog box you can set the option Route HTTP .NET through Silk Performer web engine.

If you are testing Web services through a generated Web-service proxy class, you can route the generated network traffic over the Silk Performer Web engine to get information about sent and received data and use features such as modem simulation.

In the checklist of the dialog box you find all the Web Service proxy classes of your project. You can check or uncheck the proxy classes that should be routed over the Web engine. When you check Route HTTP .NET through Silk Performer Web engine, all proxy classes are routed since all network traffic is routed. Alternately, you can route individual Web-service calls by selecting them from the list.

The list of Web-service proxy classes is written to your project file and you can view the list in the .NET options of the profile settings dialog box.