Attribute Action

This attribute specifies which action should be taken for the substring identified by the Search section.

The following values are allowed:

Value Description
CreateVariable This will create a variable initialized to the value of the string, and the variable will be substituted in the script instead of the original value.
CheckTimeStamp This will create the function call GetTimeStamp() instead of the original string, if the original string indeed looks like a plausible timestamp value.
CheckSiebelParam Checks if the original string is structured like a length prefixed value like used in the Siebel 7 Web application. If so, it will replace the original value with the function call Siebel7Param(...). Example: "5*Value" will become: Siebel7Param("Value")
DecodeSiebelJavaScriptString Checks if the original string contains special characters that are usually escaped with a backslash within JavaScript code, modifies the string in a way it would be if it was embedded in JavaScript code, and creates the function SiebelDecodeJsString(...) with the encoded string as parameter. The function SiebelDecodeJsString will reverse this encoding during script replay, so that the same network traffic is generated. The purpose of this is that the modified parameter may now be parseable by HttpParsingRules, which might not be possible without this substitution.
CheckSiebelDateTime Checks if the original string looks like a date/time combination in the format which is sent by the Siebel Web client, and transforms it to an equivalent date/ time combination in the format which appears in server responses to the Siebel Web client. If this is the case, the wrapper function SiebelDateTime is recorded which undoes this transformation during script replay. The purpose of this is that date/time combinations can then be parsed by the other parsing rules, because they appear in the script in the same format as they appear in server responses.
CheckSiebelDate The same as CheckSiebelDateTime, but for dates only. Records the wrapper function SiebelDate.

The same as CheckSiebelDateTime, but for times only. Records the wrapper function SiebelTime.


The same as CheckSiebelDateTime, but for phone numbers. Records the wrapper function SiebelPhone.

For examples, see the recording rules of the Siebel 7 Web SilkEssential.

Example (create variable for the quantity in an online shop): This example assumes that the quantity is sent in a form field named qty.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <Name>Parameterize item quantity</Name>
      <SearchIn>FormFieldValue </SearchIn>