Configuring Simulation Settings

  1. In the Project menu tree, right-click the Profiles node and select Edit Active Profile.
  2. The Profile - [Profile1] - Simulation dialog opens at the Simulation tab (Replay category).
  3. Scroll down to and select the Citrix icon.
  4. Select the Simulation tab.
  5. In the Mouse section of the Simulation tab, specify virtual user mouse behavior (in milliseconds) such as the length of time that mouse clicks remain pressed, the length of time between the clicks of a double click, and mouse speed. Note that simulated mouse events move at constant speeds. They do not simply jump across the screen.
  6. In the Keyboard section of the Simulation tab, specify virtual user keyboard behavior (in milliseconds) such as the length of time that keys remain pressed, the length of time between keystrokes when entering strings (for example, CitrixKeyString functions), and key repeat time (irepeat parameters of CitrixKeyString functions).
  7. In the Think times section of the Simulation tab, specify virtual user think time behavior (in milliseconds) for delay after successful synchronizations, and delay after each user action. This is a virtual simulation of user reaction time that helps to stabilize replay.
  8. Click OK to save your changes, or click Default to restore the default settings.