CloudBurst Load Test Fees

The amount of Micro Focus Credits required to purchase a CloudBurst test is comprised of infrastructure rental fees and virtual user license fees.

Infrastructure Rental Fees

There are three types of infrastructure rental fees:
  • active infrastructure rental fee
  • passive infrastructure rental fee
  • fee for IP address reservation

Infrastructure rental fees are paid for each hour following the start of a cloud agent. Each started hour is charged as a full hour. For example: If an agent runs for 50 minutes, you are charged for 1 hour. If the agent runs for 1 hour and 5 minutes, you are charged for 2 hours.

The infrastructure rental fee is comprised of a passive and an active fee. The passive fee is charged for the time an agent runs, the active fee is charged for the time the running agent is used to execute a load test. During the execution of a load test, both the passive and the active fee are charged. For example: You start a load test with a simulation time of 2 hours. When the load test is complete, you prepare for a second load test, which takes you 1 hour. In the meantime, you leave the agent running. Then you start the second load test with a simulation time of 30 minutes. For this scenario, you are charged a 4-hour passive fee and a 3-hour active fee. Note: The 30 minutes are calculated as a full hour.

Note: If you run out of Micro Focus Credits while using the CloudBurst infrastructure, you will be notified by email 24 hours before your agents are shut down automatically.

Reserving IP addresses for your cloud agents also causes infrastructure rental fees. The current rate for reservation displays in the Cloud Agent Manager. Reserving IP addresses prevents you from regularly recurring work like specifying IP address exceptions for your firewall.

Note: IP addresses are perpetually reserved for 24-hour time periods until you release the IP addresses.

Virtual User License Fees

Virtual user license fees are calculated based on the maximum number of concurrently active virtual users consumed within a 24-hour testing period. The fee per active virtual user is largely dependent on the application type under test. For example: If you start a load test with 100 virtual users, you are charged a 100 virtual users license fee for the 24-hour testing period. When the load test is complete, you start another load test with 150 virtual users. Now you are charged a fee for the 50 additional virtual users. For the next load test, you configure to use 120 virtual users. This test will not cause an additional fee, since the already debited fees cover up to 150 virtual users. This is true if you execute all three load tests from this example within the 24-hour testing period.

For more information about current rates, visit the Micro Focus website.

Spanning Testing Periods

The 24-hour testing period model allows you to run a load test, analyze the results, and rerun the load test multiple times with adjusted settings. Within the 24-hour testing period, you can optimize the settings of your load test and rerun the test without paying for each additional test run.

If a test, which is started within one 24-hour testing period, would extend into the next testing period, a new 24-hour testing period is automatically created with the start of the load test.

Note: The maximum simulation time for CloudBurst load tests is 24 hours.