Integrating Silk Performer with InfluxDB and Grafana

Silk Performer lets you export all the data that is collected during a load test to InfluxDB, an industry-wide well-known database for time series data. This allows you to quickly display and share your load test data using tools such as Grafana. For Grafana in particular, you can download a pre-configured set of Grafana dashboards, which can serve as a starting point for your own visualization requirements.

During a load test, Silk Performer records various measurements. While most of the measures are available in the form of time series data in the proprietary TSD format or in the form of raw data in CSV files, some dedicated measures and statistics are also exposed in real-time.

There are two main components to the Silk Performer InfluxDB integration:
  • The InfluxDB plug-in in the System Settings handles data export during load tests. It lets you export the general data displayed in the Monitor window as well as active client-side measures in real-time. On the plug-in settings tab, you can configure exactly what data to export and how to access your Influx database. Once the plug-in is enabled and configured accordingly, Silk Performer automatically pushes the real-time data to InfluxDB while a test is running.
  • The tsd2InfluxDb.exe tool, located in the Silk Performer installation folder, lets you export load test results from TSD or raw data files. In Performance Explorer, on the Results tab, in the Data Processing group, you can find the TSD to InfluxDB utility, which offers a convenient UI to the tsd2InfluxDb.exe command line tool. For integration in your CI/CD environment, you can call the tool from the command line.