and Sign-Out

Recorded scripts should begin with the sign-in process and end with the sign-out process, as shown in the example below. The BDH files define and the recorder records, the functions HomepagePS, SignInPS and SignOutPS.

Example: Recorded sign-in and sign-out processes

  gsHomepageUrl : string init "http://standardhost/psp/ps/

transaction TMain
  HomepagePS(gsHomepageUrl, "PeopleSoft 8 Sign-in");
  SignInPS("login", LOGIN002, "EMPLOYEE"); // Form 1

  // more function calls ...
  SignOutPS(gsSignoutUrl, "PeopleSoft 8 Sign-in");
end TMain;

These function calls do not require customization. the SignInPS function parses the sign-out URL to the gsSignoutUrl variable, and the recorded script uses the variable in the SignOutPS function call. The recorder records the URL of the homepage into a variable for easy customization.