Trying Out Your Test Script

  1. Click Try Script on the workflow bar. The Try Script dialog box appears with the script you created selected in the Script list and the active profile selected in the Profile list. The VUser virtual user group is selected in the Usergroup group box.
  2. Configure settings as follows:
    1. Select a Browser from the list: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Chrome.
    2. Enable the Visible client option so that the browser Replay window will display the web page content. Screenshots of the application state are made before each API function call.
      Note: Simulation settings are not applied when replaying your script with the browser.
    3. Enable the Step by step execution option to run your script step by step. This option is available for Internet Explorer only.
  3. Click Run.
    Note: You are not running an actual load test here, only a test run with a single virtual user to see if your script requires debugging.
    The Try Script run begins. The Monitor window opens, giving you detailed information about the run’s progress.