Setting Protocol-Specific Options

  1. In Silk Performer, expand the Profiles node in the Project tree.
  2. Right-click the profile that you want to configure and choose Edit Profile.
    Tip: Alternatively, you can choose Settings > Active Profile from the menu bar.

    The Profile - [<profile name>] dialog box opens, and the Replay category is displayed in the shortcut list on the left.

  3. In the shortcut list on the left, click the Record button. The Record category is displayed.
  4. Click the Script icon.
  5. Click the Protocols tab.
  6. In the Web comments area of the page, specify details about automatically-inserted comments (for Web functions) in the generated script. The settings for these options are only taken into account when the Comments option (General tab) for script generation is enabled.
    Option Description
    Redirection / Authentication Have comments inserted into the generated script when a redirection (HTTP 302, HTTP 407) from one URL to another is recorded.
    HTTP errors Have comments inserted into the generated script when HTTP errors (HTTP 4xx, HTTP 5xx) are recorded.
    Link, form, custom URL search details Have comments inserted into the generated script when links, forms, or customs URLs are recorded.
    Detailed info for form fields

    Have comments inserted into the generated script when hidden, changed, or filled out form fields are recorded.

    Note: If this option is not selected, comments for form fields are still recorded, but the additional detailed information (for example, if value is changed or unchanged) is not.
    Custom URL parsing details Have comments inserted into the generated script when parsing details of custom URLs are recorded.
  7. In the IIOP area of the page, check the Generate IIOP Get functions check box to include functions in your test script that will retrieve the return parameters of CORBA operation calls. You can mark the corresponding function calls as comments. Use the Database area of the page to specify how SQL statements are displayed and whether to include fetched data in the generated test script.
  8. Check the SQL comment check box to include SQL statements marked as comments in the generated test script immediately before the parse operation.
  9. Check the Trim SQL check box to display SQL statements in the generated test script in a more readable format, with line breaks and indentation for SQL keywords.
  10. Check the Fetched data check box to include the fetched data, marked as comments, in the generated test script immediately after the fetch operation.
  11. In the Max. number of rows text box, enter the maximum number of data rows that are to be inserted as comments immediately after fetch operations.
  12. In the Max. column width text box, enter the maximum width of columns inserted as commentary.
  13. Click OK to save your settings.