Web Page Measures

The Web Page measure group contains the measure types related to Web pages. For each Web page that is downloaded during a load test, a measure group is created automatically with the name of the Web page as the key. The following table describes the corresponding measure types:

Measure Description
Page time The time, in seconds, that it takes to retrieve an entire Web page from the server, that is, for retrieving all HTML documents and all embedded documents, such as images, videos, and audio files.
Document download time The time, in seconds, that it takes to retrieve all HTML documents of a Web page.
Server busy time The time, in seconds, that the server takes to process a Web page request. This measure starts after a virtual user has sent the last byte of the request and ends when the user retrieves the first byte of the response.
Page data The amount of data (in KB) for all requests and responses related to the request and retrieval of an entire Web page including all embedded objects.
Embedded objects data The amount of data (in KB) for all requests and responses related to the request and retrieval of objects embedded on a Web page.