This function registers any client to the data collection engine.
The first parameter returns a handle that is needed for further PDCE functions.
The second parameter returns the interval in seconds, in which the PDCE collects data for the client. The default update interval for collecting the monitor data is 60 seconds, but you can adjust the monitoring interval by opening the Project Attribute Dialog (
) and changing the attribute value of the attribute MeasureCollectionInterval. This interval can also be changed any time by the PdceClientInterval() function.Pdce.bdh
PdceRegisterClient( inout hClient : number, out nInterval : number ): boolean;
true if successful
false otherwise
Parameter | Description |
hClient | Specifies the client's handle. |
nInterval | Specifies a number for the determined query interval (in seconds). |
benchmark Collect use "pdce.bdh" const MEASURE_NAME01 := "PE_% Processor Time(0)@LAB35"; MEASURE_KEY01 := "PERFMON:\\Processor(0)\\% Processor Time@LAB35"; var nInterval : number; hClient01 : number; hMeasure01 : number; dcluser user Collect transactions NoTRT_TStartup : begin; NoTRT_TCollect : 5; NoTRT_TEnd : end; dcltrans transaction NoTRT_TStartup begin PdceStartUp(); PdceRegisterClient(hClient01, nInterval); PdceAddMeasure(hClient01, MEASURE_NAME01, MEASURE_KEY01, hMeasure01); Wait(float(2*nInterval)); end NoTRT_TStartup; transaction NoTRT_TCollect begin PdceGetMeasureValue(hMeasure01, MEASURE_NAME01); if (GetWorkloadModel() <> WORKLOAD_MONITORING) then Wait(float(nInterval)); end; end NoTRT_TCollect; transaction NoTRT_TEnd begin PdceMeasureUnSubscribe(hMeasure01); PdceClientUnRegister(hClient01); PdceCleanUp(); end NoTRT_TEnd;