Importing Projects

Another way of linking your Eclipse and Silk Performer workspaces is to import an existing Silk Performer project into your Eclipse workspace.

A Silk Performer Java Framework project that has been created using the Silk Performer Eclipse Plug-In fulfills the required Eclipse notation, used by Eclipse Plug-In projects. A Silk Performer Java Framework project that has been created with Silk Performer or Silk Performer Java Explorer does not fulfill the required Eclipse notation.

When importing a Silk Performer Java Framework project into Eclipse, the result differs as follows:
Project created with Silk Performer Eclipse Plug-In Project created with Silk Performer or Silk Performer Java Explorer
Running and debugging try script tests without modifications is possible Limited execution and debugging functionality available
Automatic bdf stubfile generation for changes to the test class or test methods No automatic bdf stubfile generation
New test methods can be added to project No introduction of new test methods possible
Changing existing test class and test method names is possible Changing existing test class and test method names is not possible
Note: Modifications to Java test code are possible for either imported project type.

Before you can import a Silk Performer Java Framework project that has been created with Silk Performer or Silk Performer Java Explorer into Eclipse, the test class must have the same name as the bdf file, for example and TestClass.bdf.

Tip: Java Explorer allows you to specify the test class and the script file name. Refer to Silk Performer Java Explorer Help for detailed information.

You can customize a Silk Performer Java Framework project that has been created with Silk Performer or Silk Performer Java Explorer manually so that it fulfills the required Eclipse notation used by the Silk Performer Eclipse Plug-In.