Parsing and Replacing Session IDs

  1. Select a replay TrueLog from the menu tree.
  2. Click Customize Session Handling. The Workflow - Customize Session Handling dialog box opens.
  3. Click Find Differences. A dialog box displays, asking you if you want TrueLog Explorer to locate and display the associated record TrueLog.
  4. Click Yes. The associated record TrueLog opens in Compare View and the Step through TrueLog dialog box opens.
    Note: The Differences page identifies differences between record and replay data that may require customization. Use the Step through TrueLog dialog box to step through Whole pages of content and advance between API nodes until you find a difference that requires customization.
  5. Double-click a listing on the Differences page to open the Insert Parsing Function dialog box.
  6. Right-click a listing and choose Customize Session Handling. The Insert Parsing Function dialog box opens.
  7. The Insert Parsing Function dialog box offers parameters by which the parsing function can be adjusted. Though the default settings will likely be correct, you can adjust the following :
    1. Case sensitivity - Select this option if you want the parsing function to be case sensitive.
    2. Variable name - Enter the name of the variable that should receive the result of the parsing function.
    3. Left boundary - This field displays the left boundary of the specified text (the text that is located before the specified text).
    4. Right boundary - This field displays the right boundary of the specified text (the text that follows the specified text).
    5. Insert informational statement into script - Select Print statement to insert an informational print statement into the script after the Web page call. This will write the result of the parsing function to the Silk Performer Virtual User Output window.
    6. Select Writeln Statement (write line Statement) to write the parsed value to an output file to facilitate debugging (in addition to writing the value to the Virtual User Output window as a Print statement does). Because generating output files alters the time measurements of load tests, these files should only be used for debugging purposes and should not be generated for full load tests.
    7. Replace with variable - Checking this check box replaces all occurrences of the parsed text with the specified variable.
  8. Optional: Click Create Recording Rule if you want to create a recording rule based on the values you have specified. Refer to the Silk Performer Help for detailed information on creating recording rules.
  9. Click OK. Parsing and replacement statements required for customizing the handling of the selected session ID are generated.
  10. Run a Try Script to verify the customization and ensure that the session handling issue has been resolved. API nodes marked with green check marks indicate that no session errors were encountered during the Try Script run. Red X marks indicate that script replay errors are still present.