Configuring Simulation Settings

  1. In Silk Performer, expand the Profiles node in the Project tree.
  2. Right-click the profile that you want to configure and choose Edit Profile.
    Tip: Alternatively, you can choose Settings > Active Profile from the menu bar.

    The Profile - [<profile name>] dialog box opens, and the Replay category is displayed in the shortcut list on the left.

  3. In the Simulation tab, check the Stress test check box to disable the use of wait periods that are specified in low-level web functions or invoked by calling think-time functions.
  4. Check the Random thinking time check box to replace recorded actual thinking periods that are specified in low-level web functions or invoked by calling think-time functions, with random values that follow an exponential distribution.
    • Exponential distribution - Click this option to replace recorded think-time periods that are specified in Web functions, or invoked by calling the ThinkTime function, with random values that follow an exponential distribution. Due to the nature of exponential distribution, extreme random think-time periods can result. Refer to the SetRandomThinkTime BDL function for more details.
    • Uniform distribution of +/- [] % - Click this option to replace recorded think-time periods that are specified in Web functions, or invoked by calling the ThinkTime function, with random values that follow a uniform distribution within a specified range. Use uniform distribution when extreme think times are undesirable. Refer to the SetRandomThinkTime BDL function for more details.
  5. Check the Think time limited to check box to define a limit for think times. When this option is selected, think times are limited to the specified maximum value. Enter an upper limit (in seconds).
  6. Check the Smooth transaction arrival rate (Queuing Workload) check box to have each virtual user perform its transactions within the specified simulation interval. With this option selected, the simulation time period and the total number of transactions to be called determine the mean arrival interval of the transactions. When this option is disabled, Silk Performer calculates the delay of each transaction arrival randomly.
    Note: This setting does not affect projects that are used for application monitoring.
  7. Check the Choose transactions randomly check box to force the simulation engine to execute all transactions defined in load-test scripts in random order, based on the queuing workload model. When this option is disabled, simulated virtual users perform their transactions exactly in the order in which they are defined in load-test scripts.
  8. Check the Stop virtual users after simulation time (Queuing Workload) check box to cancel users when simulation time expires.
    Note: This setting does not affect projects that are used for application monitoring.
  9. Check the Call end transactions for stopped virtual users check box to have stopped virtual users execute end transactions before stopping. When this option is disabled, virtual users complete their executions without calling end transactions.
  10. Check the Complete current transactions of stopped virtual users check box to allow stopped virtual users to complete active transactions before stopping. When this option is selected, virtual users check to see if they should stop at the beginning of each new transaction. Thus active transactions are completed before users stop. When this option is disabled, virtual users check during think and wait times, while in the queue, and at the beginning of each transaction to see if they should stop.
  11. Check the Stop virtual users when errors occur in begin transactions check box to immediately stop virtual users when errors occur during test initialization (which usually occurs in begin transactions). This setting overrides the Call end transactions for stopped virtual users and Complete current transactions of stopped virtual users options. This setting is useful for tests that involve connect operations that must be successful before tests can proceed.
  12. Click OK to save your settings.