GetContents Function (PageList)




Returns a list of all the pages in the pagelist.


lsPages = pagelist.GetContents ([bRawMode])
Variable Description
lsPages The list of all pages in the pagelist. LIST OF STRING.

Optional: TRUE to leave platform-specific information in the strings, or FALSE (default) to remove that information. BOOLEAN.

The Open Agent always uses FALSE for this value regardless of what is specified in the script. The returned strings include trailing and leading spaces but ellipses, accelerators, and hot keys are removed.


GetContents returns a list of strings, with one list element for each page in the pagelist.

For pages with tabs, the returned list element is the label of the tab.

For pages without tabs, the returned list element is an empty list.

When bRawMode is TRUE, the returned strings include trailing and leading spaces, ellipses, accelerators, and hot keys. These additional characters make the strings platform-specific. When bRawMode is FALSE, the output of GetContents does not include any special characters.

