Setting Advanced Options

Set advanced options to enable fallback support, to specify whether locator attribute names should be case sensitive, and so on. Modify the Advanced > ActiveData options to control aspects of how Silk Test Workbench writes data to text-based (.csv or .txt) ActiveData files when editing the files using the ActiveData Asset Setup window.
  1. Click Tools > Options. The Options dialog box opens.
  2. Click the Advanced tab. The Advanced Options page displays.
  3. To test an embedded Chrome application, specify the executable and the port as a value pair in the Enable embedded Chrome support field. For example, myApp.exe=9222. To specify multiple embedded Chrome applications, separate the value pairs with a comma.
  4. Enable Fallback support for web views on Android and iOS to enable the mobile native fallback support for hybrid mobile applications that are not testable with the default browser support.
  5. Enable Microsoft Accessibility to enable Microsoft Accessibility in addition to the normal Win32 control recognition.
  6. Enable Remove focus on capture text to remove the focus from the window before capturing a text. A text capture is performed during recording and replay by the following methods:
    • TextClick
    • TextCapture
    • TextExists
    • TextRect
  7. Enable Locator attribute are case sensitive to set locator attribute names to be case sensitive. The names of locator attributes for mobile web applications are always case insensitive, and this option is ignored when recording or replaying mobile web applications.
  8. To force Mozilla Firefox to open external links in a new tab instead of a new window, enable Use single-window mode for Firefox.
    Note: This option only works with Mozilla Firefox 52 or later.
  9. Click the plus sign (+) next to Advanced in the Options menu tree and then click ActiveData. The ActiveData options display in the right side panel.
  10. Set the options for your environment:
    Always quote fields

    Select Yes to enclose the data in each cell of a new ActiveData file in quotes. This option pertains to new ActiveData files only. Setting this option to Yes has no affect on existing files.

    Set this option to Yes when data to be used from an ActiveData file requires quotes.

    Note: If set to Yes, data in new ActiveData files does not appear in quotes during editing. However, the quotes do appear when editing the ActiveData file using the file's native application.
    Write empty trailing fields

    Set to Yes if you want trailing spaces entered after characters for each data item. For example, if the required data in a field is "data ", setting this option to Yes includes the trailing spaces as part of the data, so "data" is written to the field in the ActiveData file. Selecting No only includes characters without any trailing spaces. For example, if set to No, "data " written into a field would be saved in the ActiveData file as "data".

    Set this option to Yes if data to be used in an ActiveData test requires the trailing spaces to correctly test the application.

  11. Click OK.