Creating a New Project

You can create a new project and add the appropriate files to the project, or you can have Silk Test Classic automatically create a new project from an existing file.

Since each project is a unique testing environment, by default new projects do not contain any settings, such as extensions, class mappings, or Agent options. If you want to retain the settings from your current test set, save them as an options set by opening Silk Test Classic and clicking Options > Save New Options Set. You can add the options set to your project.

To create a new project:

  1. In Silk Test Classic, click File > New Project, or click Open Project > New Project on the basic workflow bar. The Create Project dialog box appears.
  2. Type a unique name for the project into the Project Name field. If the project name already exists, you are prompted to specify a different project name or overwrite the existing project. Project files with a .vtp (Verify Test Project) extension, projectname.vtp, and a projectname.ini are created in the directory that you specify in the Save in text box.
  3. Optional: Type a description for the project into the Description field. After you create the project, you can view the project description by right-clicking the projectname folder on the Files or Global tabs or by clicking Project > Project Description.
  4. Type the location at which you want to save the project into the Save in field. You can also click Browse and specify the folder in which you want to save your project. The default location is C:\Users\<Current user>\Documents\Silk Test Classic Projects.
  5. Click OK. Silk Test Classic creates a <Project name> folder within the specified directory, saves the projectname.vtp and projectname.ini to this location and copies the extension .ini files, which are appexpex.ini, axext.ini, domex.ini, and javaex.ini, to the extend subdirectory. If you do not want to save your project in the default location, click Browse and specify the folder in which you want to save your project. Silk Test Classic then creates your project and displays nodes on the Files and Global tabs for the files and resources associated with this project.
  6. Perform one of the following steps:
    • If your test uses the Open Agent, configure the application to set up the test environment.
    • If your test uses the Classic Agent, enable the appropriate extensions to test your application.
      Note: This Help covers the functionality of Silk Test Classic when using the Open Agent. If you are using the Classic Agent, refer to the Silk Test Classic Classic Agent Help.