ResExport Function


Exports one or more results sets to a results export (.rex) file.


ResExport (sResultsFile [, sREXFile, iStartIndex, iEndIndex ])
Variable Description
sResultsFile The name of the results file containing the results set(s) you want to export. It cannot be the current results file. STRING.
sREXFile Optional. Results export file to save the results set(s) to. If not specified, results are saved in a file with the same name as sResultsFile, in the same directory, with the .rex extension. If only a file name is specified, the file is saved in the same directory as sResultsFile. STRING.
iStartIndex Optional. Index of the most recent results set to save. 0 represents the most recent results set; 1 the next most recent, and so on. If not specified, saves most recent results set. INTEGER.
iEndIndex Optional. Index of oldest results set to save. 0 represents the most recent results set; 1 the next most recent, and so on. If not specified, saves most recent results set. INTEGER.


Use ResExport to save one or more results sets to a .rex file, which is a structured (delimited) text file that is suitable for importing into a spreadsheet or other application for further processing.

ResExport uses export parameters that are specified in the [ResultsExport] section in partner.ini. These parameters specify which fields are exported and the format of the exported file. You can view and set these parameters in the Results Export dialog. To set the parameters, select Results > Export, specify your preferences, then click OK. The preferences are saved in the [ResultsExport] section in partner.ini (if you changed one or more values from the defaults) and are used the next time you call the ResExport function in a script or select the Results > Export command.


The following statement exports the most-recent results set from db.res to db.rex.

ResExport ("d:\mytests\db.res")

The following statement exports the second-most-recent and third-most-recent results sets from db.res to db.rex.

ResExport ("d:\mytests\db.res",NULL,1,2)