Result Window Tabs

The tabs of the Result window function as filters that allow you to quickly view specific types of steps of a visual test or code lines of a script.

The Passed, Failed, Flags, and Details tabs all organize and display content by using the panes of the Visual Navigator. They differ in the type of content found in each tab. The Details tab contains every step or code line. The Passed tab contains only passed verifications. The Failed tab contains only failed verifications. And the Flags tab contains only flagged result steps.

The Result window contains the following tabs:

Summary tab
When you open a result, this tab is displayed by default. To change the default result view, modify the Default Result View option from the General options. The Summary tab displays a high-level overview report with the following information:
  • Overall result for run – Indicates 'Passed' if the visual test or script played back successfully and met the result pass criteria percentage), 'Failed' if it did not meet the result pass criteria percentage, and 'Playback Error' if a step did not perform successfully.
  • Browser - The following information is displayed in this row if the test was executed against a web application:
    • The browser on which the test was executed.
    • The browser version.
    • The browser size that was used during replay. This is only displayed if you have changed the browser size instead of using the default size.
    • The operating system along with the version.
    • The name of the mobile device, the emulator, or the simulator. This information is only displayed if the test was executed against a mobile web application.
    • The name of the machine to which the mobile device is connected, or on which the emulator or simulator is running, on which the browser test was executed. This information is only displayed if the test was executed against a mobile web application.
  • Device - The following information is displayed in this row if the test was executed against a native mobile application.
    • The name of the mobile device, the emulator, or the simulator.
    • The operating system of the mobile device, emulator, or simulator, along with the version.
    • The name of the machine to which the mobile device is connected, or on which the emulator or simulator is running.
  • Mobile application - The full path to the mobile application against which the test was executed. This information is only displayed if the test was executed against a native mobile application.
  • Reason for abort – Displays the reason playback of a visual test or script was aborted.
  • Latest run number – Displays the run number of the most current result.
  • Recent runs – Displays the most recent runs. Click a previous run to view it. To open a previous run not appearing in this field, click Show All Runs on the toolbar to open the Run Detail dialog box from which you can open or delete any previous run.
  • Visual test/.NET Script executed – Displays the name of the visual test or script of the result.
  • Visual test/.NET Script description – Displays the description of the visual test or script of the result.
  • Result description – Displays the description of the result.
  • Visual tests or Scripts – Lists all the visual tests or scripts that ran successfully as part of the playback, including inserted visual tests or scripts that ran using the Workbench.RunScript( ) method. For example, a driver script could run several scripts in one playback. Additionally displays the version of the visual tests or scripts and the number of times the visual test or script ran.
  • Verifications passed – The total number of verifications in all visual tests or scripts that executed successfully and passed. Click the number in this field to open Passed tab from which you can view all passed verifications.
  • Verifications failed – The total number of verifications in all visual tests or scripts that executed successfully but failed. Click the number in this field to open Failed tab from which you can view all failed verifications.
  • Flags – For visual tests, the total number of flagged verification steps in the result. Click the number in this field to open the Flags tab. Flags are not available for scripts.
  • Start time – The time the first visual test or script begins playback.
  • End time – The time the last visual test or script completes playback.
  • Total time – The total time the visual test or script played back.
  • Steps run – The total number of steps or code lines run.
  • Playback setting – Displays the Playback setting which is the group of playback options used to create the result. Click Edit to display the Playback options from which you can set the Playback setting.
Passed tab
Displays verifications that passed during playback.
Failed tab
Displays verifications that failed during playback. Steps that result in a playback error do not appear on this tab.
Flags tab
Displays any flagged steps in the result. You can insert a flag in the step of a result by manually inserting it after the result has been created or by using verification logic that inserts a flag during playback of a visual test. The Flags tab dynamically displays all flagged steps in the result. For example, after inserting a flag in either of the Passed, Failed, or Details tabs, Silk Test Workbench automatically updates the Flags tab to display the flagged step.
Note: Flagged steps in a visual test do not appear in this tab after playback. Only steps flagged in the result and flags inserted by verification logic appear in the Flags tab of a result. Flags are not available for scripts.
Details tab
Displays information about every step of a visual test or each code line in a script. For example the name of the test step or code line, the pass/fail status, a description, and flag status. For keyword-driven tests, the Details tab displays the steps of any keywords that are included in the keyword-driven tests and are implemented as visual tests. The Details tab also displays playback details. If an error has occurred during playback, and the visual test or script was called from other visual tests, the playback details include the test steps in the calling visual tests in which the visual test or script was called.

In each of the tabs of the result window, you can select either the Basic View or the Advanced View of the Test Steps pane. The Advanced View displays additional columns in the Test Steps pane.