Troubleshooting Server Configuration Problems

To reduce the amount of time spent diagnosing problems, the application provides tracing and debugging tools for the server. It can create either, or both, trace command files and diagnostic (.dmp) files.

Trace Commands

The trace option creates a file that records single server commands. Commands to be traced must have a duration time that equals or exceeds the number of specified milliseconds. The default time is 0. If you wish to record only commands of longer duration, you should adjust this setting, to avoid taking up unnecessary space in the trace file.

No trace file should generate more than 10 MB of data per day. Typically, users see only a small fraction of this amount of data per day.

Trace data is stored in a Server.trc file, which consists of a header followed by an arbitrary number of records. When a trace ends, the server timestamps the existing file as Server.time.trc. Trace files are located in the repostitoryPath\Log\Trace folder. The next trace file starts when the server configuration is restarted or the trace option is turned on.

Diagnostic (.dmp) Files

The application creates some minidump files automatically, while others are created only when the .dmp options are turned on. Minidump files can be created for either or both:

■ Asserts (unexpected conditions). Server log entries with code number 8.

■ Exceptions (errors, typically access violations). Server log entries with code number 4.

Minidump files are created in the same location as the server log file. The general naming convention for these files is prefix-counter-time.dmp, in which prefix identifies the source of the dump, counter is an integer that increments with each .dmp file to ensure that names are unique, and time identifies the local server time at which the dump was created.