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This section of the Host Integrator Server Reference provides tips for troubleshooting problems you may encounter.

  • Invalid model names

    Model name and folder name must be the same: As of Version 5.5, the .model file must be in a folder with the same name. If you try to open a model with a folder name that is different, you'll see this message on a Windows system: "<model> is not a valid model name. Please check the name and model path for accuracy."

    Case sensitivity: When you save a model in the Design Tool, it is stored to a folder with the same name and case as the model. After deploying the model on a Linux system, you may see a message that the model name is invalid. Make sure the case of the folder name and the model name match. This is not an issue on Windows systems since the Windows file system is not case-sensitive.

  • Allocated session timed out waiting for client connection

    This is caused when the IP address of a Host Integrator Server changes after it has been started. The most likely cause is that the server briefly lost contact with the network, and when the connection was reestablished, the server was assigned a new IP address, different from the one it had upon startup. This can also happen if a server is reassigned a new IP address by DHCP dynamically after starting. To solve the problem, stop and restart the affected servers. Be sure that any machines running Host Integrator Servers retain the same IP address from the time they are started until they are stopped.

Changing Host Integrator Port TCP Numbers

If you need to reassign the port numbers used by Host Integrator components, do the following:

  1. Stop all Host Integrator services.
  2. Create a file called and place it in the vhi/etc directory.
  3. Add vhibaseport=n to the file, where "n" is a valid TCP port number.
  4. Restart all Host Integrator services.

After you reassign the VHI base port, the Host Integrator components are assigned these TCP ports:

Component TCP Port Assignment
vhibaseport n
Session server n-> n+16
Logging utility n+17
Management server n+18
Script manager n+30

Existing Host Integrator TCP Port Numbers

Port Diagram

See Technical Note 10105 for more detailed information on VHI ports.

Configuring Port Numbers

You can change port numbers if needed.

Changing the Event Handler Java Debug Port

By default, the Design Tool or the Session server starts searching at port 5005 for an available remote debugging port. You can change the starting point for locating an available port. You must restart the server for the change to take effect.

To change the Java debug port for event handling in the Design Tool, use the Event Handler Settings Debugging tab.

To change the Java debug port for event handling for a server, in the Session Server Explorer of the Administrative Console, open the session server properties, and choose Events.

Configuring the Management Server secure RMI port

This port can be configured to enable Administrative Console to connect through a firewall.

  1. Edit the MicroFocus/Verastream/ManagementServer/conf/ file.
  2. Set the desired port number in the rmi.export.port.ssl line (0 is the default for a random ephemeral port).
  3. After saving the changed file, restart the management server.


Some components may use additional ephemeral ports. When configuring Windows Firewall exceptions, in addition to specifying port numbers, it is recommended you add program C:\Program Files\MicroFocus\Verastream\java\jdk1.6.0_16\bin\java.exe.

Configuring the Management Server non-secure RMI port

This port is disabled by default. To enable non-SSL JMX for third-party JMX tools, follow the steps above, except set rmi.port to a desired port number such as 33001 (default 0 turns it off).

More information

Host Integrator Port TCP Numbers

Host Integrator components use the following TCP port assignments.

Component Listens on destination port From and purpose
Management server 9641 (WCP) Client connector, connecting via load distribution domain Session server for client authentication and authorization
Management server 33000 (secure JMX) Administrative Console (JConsole API for configuration and monitoring)
Management server 33001 (JMX) JConsole API
Management server 7846
Management server 8095 Web Services Explorer, used for testing Web services deployed from Design Tool
Management server 1636 (LDAPS) Administrative Console (authorization profile configuration, aggregates user data from all configured directory servers)
Management server 48620 and higher (WCP) From client connector to domain server (one port used per load distribution domain)
Management server 32000 Wrapper service for JVM
Session server 9623 (WCP) Client connector (requesting session)Deployment tools (activatemodel,deactivatemodel, Design Tool)Management server (configuration, monitoring, domain server requesting session)
Session server Ephemeral (WCP) From client connector, to requested initialized session
Session server 9680 (HTTP/SOAP) Web services clients
Session server 9681 (HTTPS/SOAP) Web services clients (SSL)
Session server 9682 (HTTP) Web services metadata
Session server 9683 (HTTPS) Web services metadata
Session server 35000 JMX (secure) Web services management
Session server 9653 (WCP) Java script manager for model event handler scripting
Session server 9662 (WCP) .NET script manager for model event handler scripting Session server
Logging service 9640 Session server (adding messages)Management server (querying messages)Log Export utility (querying messages)
Host Emulator 9670-9671, 1096-1099 Default master models, for demo connections from Session server
Host Emulator 36000 (secure JMX) Management server (for configuration)
Host Emulator 36001 (JMX) JConsole API
Design Tool 5006, or next available Event handler Java debug port
Design Tool 9654 through 9661 Script manager for Java event handlers (one port per Design Tool instance)
Design Tool 9663 through 9669 Script manager for .NET event handlers (one port per Design Tool instance)
VHI Web Server 8081 8443 (SSL) Java Web application projects generated in Web Builder
Hosts 23 (Telnet, default) or 992 (Telnet SSL, default) or 1570 (HP NS/VT, default) Session server
Network monitoring system (optional) 161 UDP (SNMP) Logging, notifications
E-mail server (optional) 25 (SMTP, default) Logging, notifications
Directory server (optional) 636 (LDAPS, default), 389 (LDAP, default) Management server (authentication requests for Administrative Console, deployment tools, and client connector)

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Host Integrator Perspective Symbols and Icons

Both the Management and Host Integrator Perspectives have symbols and icons that are used to provide a visual indicator of what components and properties are available, currently in use, and the state they are in. See the Management Perspective Symbols and Icons topic under General Management Services in the online Help for icons specific to that perspective.

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