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Modify Java Source

Modify the Java source code in the JSPBookDemo project to access the SQL Server database.


  1. In the Project Explorer expland JSPBookDemo > Java Resources > src.
  2. Double-click to open it in the file editor.
  3. Replace the entire contents of the file with the following:
    import com.microfocus.cobol.program.ScaledInteger;
    public class BookBean
      private final String _stockno;
      private final String _isbn;
      private final String _title;
      private final String _author;
      private final String _type;
      private final String _price;
      private final String _onhand;
      private final String _sold;
      private final String _stockval;
      BookBean(String stockno, String isbn, String title, String author,
          String type, String price, String onhand, String sold, String stockval)
        this._stockno = stockno;
        this._isbn = isbn;      
        this._title = title;     
        this._author = author;    
        this._type = type;      
        this._price = price;     
        this._onhand = onhand;    
        this._sold = sold;      
        this._stockval = stockval;
      public String getStockno()
        return _stockno;
      public String getIsbn()
        return _isbn;
      public String getTitle()
        return _title;
      public String getAuthor()
        return _author;
      public String getType()
        return _type;
      public String getPrice()
        return _price;
      public String getOnhand()
        return _onhand;
      public String getSold()
        return _sold;
      public String getStockval()
        return _stockval;
      public void toDetails(Details details)
        int onHandInt = Integer.parseInt(_onhand);
        if(onHandInt < 0)
          throw new RuntimeException("The number of books on hand must be 0 or positive");
        int soldInt = Integer.parseInt(_sold);
        if(soldInt < 0)
          throw new RuntimeException("The number of books sold must be 0 or positive");
      public static BookBean fromDetails(Details details)
        String stockno = details.getStockno().trim();
        String isbn = "" + details.getIsbn();
        String title = details.getTitle().trim();
        String author = details.getAuthor().trim();
        String type = details.getType().trim();
        String price = details.getRetail().toString();
        String onhand = "" + details.getOnhand();
        String sold = "" + details.getSold();
        ScaledInteger stockvalInt = details.getRetail().multiply(new ScaledInteger(details.getOnhand(), 0));
        String stockval = stockvalInt.toString();
        return new BookBean(stockno, isbn, title, author, type, price, onhand, sold, stockval);
      public static BookBean blankBook()
        return msgBook("*************************************");
      public static BookBean msgBook(String msg)
        String stockno    = "****";                               
        String isbn       = "*************";                      
        String title      = msg;
        String author     = "*************************************";
        String type       = "****";                               
        String price      = "****";                               
        String onhand     = "****";                               
        String sold       = "****";                               
        String stockval   = "****";                               
        return new BookBean(stockno, isbn, title, author, type, price, onhand, sold, stockval);
  4. Click File > Save to save your changes.


  • Using the same technique, replace the contents of with the following:
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
    import com.microfocus.cobol.program.IObjectControl;
    import com.microfocus.cobol.runtimeservices.IRunUnit;
    import com.microfocus.cobol.runtimeservices.servlet.ServletRunUnitManager;
    public class BookInterface
        public static final String READ_RECORD   = "1";
        public static final String ADD_RECORD    = "2";
        public static final String DELETE_RECORD = "3";
        public static final String NEXT_RECORD   = "4";
        public final IRunUnit runUnit;
        public final BookLegacy bookLegacy;
      public BookInterface(HttpSession session)
      public BookInterface(IRunUnit runUnit)
        this.runUnit = runUnit;
        BookLegacy bookLegacy = (BookLegacy) runUnit.GetInstance(BookLegacy.class);
        if(bookLegacy == null)
          bookLegacy = new BookLegacy();
        this.bookLegacy = bookLegacy;
      public BookBean readBook(String stockNo) throws JavaBookException
        Details details = getObject(Details.class);
        Sqlstate status = getObject(Sqlstate.class);
        Sqlmessage message = getObject(Sqlmessage.class);
        bookLegacy.BookLegacy(READ_RECORD, details, status, message);
        throwExceptionIfError(status, message);
        return BookBean.fromDetails(details);
      public BookBean addBook(BookBean book) throws JavaBookException
        Details details = getObject(Details.class);
        Sqlstate status = getObject(Sqlstate.class);
        Sqlmessage message = getObject(Sqlmessage.class);
        bookLegacy.BookLegacy(ADD_RECORD, details, status, message);
        throwExceptionIfError(status, message);
        return BookBean.fromDetails(details);
      public BookBean deleteBook(String stockNo) throws JavaBookException
        Details details = getObject(Details.class);
        Sqlstate status = getObject(Sqlstate.class);
        Sqlmessage message = getObject(Sqlmessage.class);
        bookLegacy.BookLegacy(DELETE_RECORD, details, status, message);
        throwExceptionIfError(status, message);
        return BookBean.fromDetails(details);
      public BookBean nextBook(String stockNo) throws JavaBookException
        Details details = getObject(Details.class);
        Sqlstate status = getObject(Sqlstate.class);
        Sqlmessage message = getObject(Sqlmessage.class);
        bookLegacy.BookLegacy(NEXT_RECORD, details, status, message);
        throwExceptionIfError(status, message);
        return BookBean.fromDetails(details);
      private static void throwExceptionIfError(Sqlstate status, Sqlmessage message) throws JavaBookException
        String sqlstate = status.getSqlstate();
        if(!"00000".equals(sqlstate) && !"02000".equals(sqlstate) && !"21000".equals(sqlstate))
            throw new JavaBookException(status.getSqlstate() + message.getSqlmessage());
      private <T extends IObjectControl> T getObject(Class<T> cls)
          T output = cls.newInstance();
          return output;
        catch (Throwable t)
          throw new RuntimeException(t);


  • Using the same technique, replace the contents of with the following:
    import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
    import com.microfocus.cobol.runtimeservices.IRunUnit;
    import com.microfocus.cobol.runtimeservices.servlet.ServletRunUnitManager;
    public class BookServlet extends HttpServlet
      private static final long serialVersionUID = -3563065100184185678L;
      public static final String STOCK_NO_ATTRIBUTE   = "stockno";
      public static final String TITLE_ATTRIBUTE      = "title";
      public static final String AUTHOR_ATTRIBUTE     = "author";
      public static final String TYPE_ATTRIBUTE     = "type";
      public static final String ISBN_ATTRIBUTE     = "isbn";
      public static final String PRICE_ATTRIBUTE      = "price";
      public static final String ONHAND_ATTRIBUTE     = "onhand";
      public static final String SOLD_ATTRIBUTE     = "sold";
      public static final String STATUS_ATTRIBUTE     = "status";
      public static final String RUN_UNIT_ID_ATTRIBUTE  = "rununitid";
      public static final String SUBMIT_PARAMETER     = "submit";
      public static final String READ_PARAMETER     = "Read";
      public static final String ADD_PARAMETER      = "Add";
      public static final String DELETE_PARAMETER     = "Delete";
      public static final String NEXT_PARAMETER     = "Next";
      public static final String END_PARAMETER      = "End Session";
      public static final String ERROR_VALUE        = "ERROR";
      public static final String DEFAULT_VALUE      = "DEFAULT";
      public static final String VIEW_URL         = "/BookJsp.jsp";
      protected void doProcessing(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, boolean isGet)
        String subValue = req.getParameter(SUBMIT_PARAMETER);
        if(subValue == null)
          subValue = DEFAULT_VALUE;
        performRead(req, res);
      else if(subValue.equals(ADD_PARAMETER))
        performAdd(req, res);
      else if(subValue.equals(DELETE_PARAMETER))
        performDelete(req, res);
      else if(subValue.equals(NEXT_PARAMETER))
        performNext(req, res);
      else if(subValue.equals(END_PARAMETER))
        performEndSession(req, res);
        outputBlankBook(req, res);
        RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(VIEW_URL);
        dispatcher.forward(req, res);
      catch(Exception e)
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
      protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
        doProcessing(req, res, true);
      protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
        doProcessing(req, res, false);
      private void performRead(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
        BookInterface bookInterface = getBookInterface(req.getSession());
        String bookId = getStockNo(req, res);
        if(bookId == null)
          bookId = ERROR_VALUE;
          BookBean book = bookInterface.readBook(bookId);
          outputBook(req, res, book);
        catch(JavaBookException e)
          outputBookException(req, res, e);
        catch (Exception e)
          outputException(req, res, e);
      private void performAdd(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
        BookInterface bookInterface = getBookInterface(req.getSession());
          BookBean book = getBook(req, res);
          book = bookInterface.addBook(book);
          outputBook(req, res, book);
        catch(JavaBookException e)
          outputBookException(req, res, e);
        catch (Exception e)
          outputException(req, res, e);
      private void performDelete(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
        BookInterface bookInterface = getBookInterface(req.getSession());
        String bookId = getStockNo(req, res);
        if(bookId == null)
          bookId = ERROR_VALUE;
          BookBean book = bookInterface.deleteBook(bookId);
          outputBook(req, res, book);
        catch(JavaBookException e)
          outputBookException(req, res, e);
        catch (Exception e)
          outputException(req, res, e);
      private void performNext(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
        BookInterface bookInterface = getBookInterface(req.getSession());
        String bookId = getStockNo(req, res);
        if(bookId == null)
          bookId = ERROR_VALUE;
          BookBean book = bookInterface.nextBook(bookId);
          outputBook(req, res, book);
        catch(JavaBookException e)
          outputBookException(req, res, e);
        catch (Exception e)
          outputException(req, res, e);
      private void performEndSession(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
          HttpSession session = req.getSession();
          outputError(req, res, "Session invalidated");
      private void outputBlankBook(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
            outputBook(req, res, BookBean.blankBook());
      private void outputBookException(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, JavaBookException jbe)
            outputError(req, res, jbe.getMessage());
      private void outputException(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Exception e)
        String msg = e.getClass().getName() + " [" + e.getMessage() + "]";
        StringWriter strWriter = new StringWriter();
        PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(strWriter);
        req.setAttribute(STATUS_ATTRIBUTE, strWriter.toString());
        outputError(req, res, msg);
      private void outputBook(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, BookBean book)
        if(book != null)
          req.setAttribute("book", book);
          req.setAttribute("book", BookBean.msgBook("ERROR! book is null in output book"));
      private void outputError(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, String msg)
        outputBook(req, res, BookBean.msgBook(msg));
      private BookBean getBook(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
        return new BookBean
          getStockNo(req, res),
          getIsbn(req, res),
          getTitle(req, res),
          getAuthor(req, res),
          getType(req, res),
          getPrice(req, res),
          getOnhand(req, res),
          getSold(req, res),
      private String getAttribute(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, String attribute)
        String stockNoStr;
        stockNoStr = req.getParameter(attribute);
        if(stockNoStr == null)
            stockNoStr = ERROR_VALUE;
        return stockNoStr;
      private String getStockNo(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
        return getAttribute(req, res, STOCK_NO_ATTRIBUTE);
      private String getTitle(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
        return getAttribute(req, res, TITLE_ATTRIBUTE);
      private String getAuthor(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
        return getAttribute(req, res, AUTHOR_ATTRIBUTE);
      private String getType(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
        return getAttribute(req, res, TYPE_ATTRIBUTE);
      private String getIsbn(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
        return getAttribute(req, res, ISBN_ATTRIBUTE);
      private String getPrice(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
        return getAttribute(req, res, PRICE_ATTRIBUTE);
      private String getOnhand(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
        return getAttribute(req, res, ONHAND_ATTRIBUTE);
      private String getSold(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
        return getAttribute(req, res, SOLD_ATTRIBUTE);
      private IRunUnit getRunUnit(HttpSession session)
        return ServletRunUnitManager.getManager().GetSessionRunUnit(session);
      private void setRunUnitId(HttpServletRequest req)
        HttpSession session = req.getSession();
        IRunUnit runUnit = getRunUnit(session);
        String ruid = "" +  runUnit.getRunUnitID();
        req.setAttribute(RUN_UNIT_ID_ATTRIBUTE, ruid);
      private BookInterface getBookInterface(HttpSession session)
        BookInterface output = new BookInterface(session);
        return output;


  • Using the same technique, replace the contents of with the following:
    import java.util.*;
    public class JavaBookException extends Exception
      private static final long serialVersionUID = -3882735817601888938L;
      private static final Map<String, String> messages;
      private static final String unknownErrorMessage = "Unknown Error: ";
      public final String statusCode;
      public JavaBookException(String statusCode)
        super(messages.containsKey(statusCode) ? messages.get(statusCode)
            : unknownErrorMessage + statusCode);
        this.statusCode = statusCode;
        messages = new HashMap<String, String>();
        messages.put("35", "Error: Data file not found");
        messages.put("23", "Error: Stock item not found");
        messages.put("46", "No more items left");
        messages.put("99", "Error: Item already exists");
        messages.put("01", "Error: File error");
        messages.put("B1", "Error: No key entered");
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