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Modify COBOL Source

Modify the COBOL source code in the CobolBook project, or replace the existing COBOL source with new code to access your SQL Server database.

Replace book.cbl with sqlbook.cbl

  1. In the Project Explorer, expand CobolBook > src > (default package).
  2. Right-click book.cbl; then select Delete from the context menu.
  3. Click OK to delete the file.
  4. Again in the Project Explorer, right-click the src entry; then select New > Other.
  5. Expand General; then select File.
  6. Click Next.
  7. In the File name field, type sqlbook.cbl; then click Finish.

    This opens the empty sqlbook.cbl file in the file editor.

  8. Copy the following COBOL SQL program and paste it into the sqlbook.cbl file:
          *  Copyright (C) Micro Focus IP Development Limited 2010-2011. All rights reserved.
          *  This sample code is supplied for demonstration purposes only on an "as is" basis and "is for use at
          *  your own risk".
          $set sql(dbman=jdbc, behavior=mainframe) 
          $set SQL(JNDIENC=java:/comp/env) 
           program-id. BookLegacy.
           working-storage section.
               exec sql include sqlca end-exec.
           01 record-count pic 99.
           linkage section.
           01 lnk-function       pic x.
               88 read-record    value "1".
               88 add-record     value "2".
               88 delete-record  value "3".
               88 next-record    value "4".
           01 lnk-sqlstate       pic x(5).
           01 lnk-sqlmessage     pic x(80).
           copy "book-rec.cpy" replacing ==(prefix)== by ==lnk-b==.
           procedure division using by value lnk-function
                                    by reference lnk-b-details
                                    by reference lnk-sqlstate
                                    by reference lnk-sqlmessage.
           main section.
               exec sql connect to PUBS end-exec
               if sqlcode not >= 0
                   move sqlstate to lnk-sqlstate
                   move sqlerrmc(1:sqlerrml) to lnk-sqlmessage
                   move 'Connection error' to lnk-b-title
                   move sqlstate to lnk-b-author
                   move '00000' to lnk-sqlstate
                   move sqlerrmc(1:sqlerrml) to lnk-sqlmessage
               evaluate true
                   when read-record
                       perform do-read-record
                   when add-record
                       perform do-add-record
                   when delete-record
                       perform do-delete-record
                   when next-record
                       perform do-next-record
               move sqlstate to lnk-sqlstate
               move sqlerrmc(1:sqlerrml) to lnk-sqlmessage
               exec sql disconnect end-exec
               exit program
               stop run
           do-read-record section.
               evaluate true
                    when lnk-b-stockno <> spaces
                        exec sql 
                           select TITLE, TYPE, AUTHOR, STOCKNO, ISBN, RETAIL, ONHAND, SOLD 
                               into :lnk-b-title, :lnk-b-type, :lnk-b-author, :lnk-b-stockno, :lnk-b-isbn, :lnk-b-retail, :lnk-b-onhand, :lnk-b-sold
                           from BOOKS where STOCKNO = :lnk-b-stockno
                    when lnk-b-title <> spaces
                        exec sql 
                           select TITLE, TYPE, AUTHOR, STOCKNO, ISBN, RETAIL, ONHAND, SOLD 
                               into :lnk-b-title, :lnk-b-type, :lnk-b-author, :lnk-b-stockno, :lnk-b-isbn, :lnk-b-retail, :lnk-b-onhand, :lnk-b-sold
                           from BOOKS where TITLE = :lnk-b-title
                    when lnk-b-author <> spaces
                        exec sql 
                           select TITLE, TYPE, AUTHOR, STOCKNO, ISBN, RETAIL, ONHAND, SOLD 
                               into :lnk-b-title, :lnk-b-type, :lnk-b-author, :lnk-b-stockno, :lnk-b-isbn, :lnk-b-retail, :lnk-b-onhand, :lnk-b-sold
                           from BOOKS where AUTHOR = :lnk-b-author
                    when other
          *>------------No key specified - return unsuccessful read
                         move "02000" to sqlstate
                         move "Record not found" to sqlerrmc
                         move 15 to sqlerrml
               if sqlcode not = 0
                   initialize lnk-b-details
                   *>move all '*' to lnk-b-title lnk-b-author lnk-b-type
           do-next-record section.
               exec sql 
                       into :lnk-b-title, :lnk-b-type, :lnk-b-author, :lnk-b-stockno, :lnk-b-isbn, :lnk-b-retail, :lnk-b-onhand, :lnk-b-sold
                   from BOOKS where STOCKNO > :lnk-b-stockno
               if sqlcode <> 0 AND sqlcode NOT EQUAL 1
                   initialize lnk-b-details
                   *>move all '*' to lnk-b-title lnk-b-author lnk-b-type
           do-add-record section.
               exec sql
                   insert into BOOKS (TITLE, TYPE, AUTHOR, STOCKNO, ISBN, RETAIL, ONHAND, SOLD)
                   values (:lnk-b-title, :lnk-b-type, :lnk-b-author, :lnk-b-stockno, :lnk-b-isbn, :lnk-b-retail, :lnk-b-onhand, :lnk-b-sold)
               if sqlcode = 0
                   exec sql commit end-exec
           do-delete-record section.
               evaluate true
                   when lnk-b-stockno <> spaces                
                       exec sql delete from BOOKS where STOCKNO = :lnk-b-stockno end-exec
                   when lnk-b-title <> spaces
                       exec sql delete from BOOKS where TITLE = :lnk-b-title end-exec
                   when lnk-b-author <> spaces
                       exec sql delete from BOOKS where AUTHOR = :lnk-b-author end-exec
                   when other
          *>------------No key specified - return unsuccessful read
                       move "02000" to sqlstate
                       move "Record not found" to sqlerrmc
                       move 15 to sqlerrml
               if sqlcode = 0
                   exec sql commit end-exec
  9. Click File > Save to save the program.

Modify book-rec.cpy

  1. In the Project Explorer under CobolBook > src, double-click book-rec.cpy to open it in the file editor.
  2. Replace the last line of code with the following:
    03 (prefix)-sold          pic s9(5) comp-3.
  3. Click File > Save to save your changes.
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