
With HCM ChatOps (built on OO-Maestro ), one can search for offerings and create subscriptions from the desired collaboration tool. The bot can also be used to get, monitor or run the flows on the orchestration engine of HCM.

The HCM ChatOps consists of four components:

  • collaboration tool (Slack, Mattermost),
  • login server,
  • chat bot (maestro bot)
  • targeted HCM Instance.

The Maestro Bot allows one to:

Search for an Offering: User can send a command to HCM Maestro Bot to search for an offering based on keywords.

Order Offering: User can send a command to HCM Maestro Bot to create a request for subscription by providing the offering name.

Get Subscription: User can send a command to HCM Maestro Bot to get the subscriptions they own and their status.

Cancel Subscription: User can send a command to HCM Maestro Bot to cancel the subscription by providing the subscription id.

Get OO Deployed Content Pack: From your collaboration tool, users can send a command to HCM Maestro Bot to receive all the content packs deployed in Operations Orchestration Engine of HCM .

Get OO Flows: Users can send a command to HCM Maestro Bot to retrieve flows from Operations Orchestration Engine of HCM.

Run OO Flows: Users can send a command to HCM Maestro Bot to run an flow on Operations Orchestration Engine of HCM. Users can also cancel executions through HCM Maestro Bot.

Get OO Execution(s) Details: Users can send a command to HCM Maestro Bot to receive information about one or multiple Operations Orchestration Central executions.

Monitor OO Executions: Users can send a command to HCM Maestro Bot to monitor flow executions on Operations Orchestration Engine of HCM and receive notifications when execution status is changed.

Get Information about OO: Users can send a command to HCM Maestro Bot to retrieve Operations Orchestration Central Engine Version.

Minimum Requirements

HCM 2017.11

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itom-maestro-bot 1.0.0
44.4 MB
Dec 19, 2017
More info Less info
Product compatibility
Version 0.0
Version 2017.11
Version 2018.02 · 2018.05 · 2018.08 · 2018.11
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.05
Version 10.80
Release notes

This is the first release of HCM Maestro-bot .

Please refer User Guide for installation, configuration and usage steps.

(44.4 MB)

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