
The Marketplace Connector (MpC) is a dynamic content updating tool that is tightly integrated with multiple Software products from Microfocus. MpC's extensible and powerful architecture enables it to concurrently handle different content types for different core automation products so that it can securely transport the published content across the public Internet, and optionally import the downloaded content into the targeted automation product. MpC is co-hosted on the Microfocus Software primary product server(s) so it scales with the automation product deployment. The MpC coverage is steadily increasing and currently includes a number of industry-leading automation management software products including Server Automation, Network Automation. A variety of free and premium subscription service content is delivered via MpC to Microfocus' customers' enterprise data centers around the world.

MpC enables you to download content of the below services.

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Marketplace Connector 1.1.002
19.4 MB
Jul 20, 2023
More info Less info
Product compatibility
Version 2018.08
Version 2020.11
Version 2022.11
Version 2019.05
Version 2020.02 · 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Release notes

Marketplace Connector 1.1.002 : Changes done to maintain compatibility with Network Automation 2023.05



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Marketplace Terms of Service

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release-rel-2024-8-3-6225 | Wed Aug 28 17:13:31 PDT 2024