Use Your Content > Improve > Media Analysis > Recognize Faces > Configure Face Recognition for Best Results

Configure Face Recognition for Best Results

The first step in face recognition is face detection, therefore all of the parameters used to tune face detection also apply to face recognition. You can use four additional parameters to tune the performance of face recognition.

  Description Default value Example
Database The database that Media Server compares each face against. Match against all face databases


Media Server compares faces in an image against the models in the employees database only.

MaxRecognitionResults The maximum number of potential matches returned for each detected face. 5


For each face, Media Server returns the two matches with the highest confidence ratings.

RecognitionThreshold The lowest confidence rating that a match can have and be returned by Media Server. Below this value, Media Server does not report the match. No lower limit


Media Server returns matches with confidence ratings higher than 0.6 (up to the number of results specified by MaxRecognitionResults)


A comma-separated list of identifiers, each of which identifies a specific face in the database. Media Server restricts comparisons to the specified faces only.

To use this parameter you must set the Database parameter and the faces that you specify must be in that database.

Match against all faces in all databases


Media Server compares faces to only the database models with the identifiers johnsmith and anneother.
