11.2 Requirements for Migrating Workloads to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Before you use PlateSpin Migrate to migrate workloads to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, you must set up your cloud environment. Create a Windows Instance in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and manually install a PlateSpin Migrate server with a public IP address on that instance. For information about manually installing the Migrate server on Oracle Cloud, see Installing PlateSpin Migrate Server in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure in the PlateSpin Migrate 2019.5 Installation and Upgrade Guide.

11.2.1 Minimum Oracle Cloud Prerequisites

Before you use PlateSpin Migrate to migrate workloads to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, you must ensure that you have a Oracle Cloud Account with all the required permissions for launching Oracle Cloud Compute Instances. See Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.

11.2.2 Prerequisites for Using a Migrate Server on Oracle Cloud

Before you use PlateSpin Migrate to migrate workloads to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, ensure that the following prerequisites are correctly configured and available:

  • A PlateSpin Migrate license.

  • Create a Windows instance in the target Oracle Cloud Infrastructure environment and install a Migrate server with a public IP address. See Installing PlateSpin Migrate Server in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure in the PlateSpin Migrate 2019.5 Installation and Upgrade Guide.

    NOTE:The cloud-based Migrate server does not require a site-to-site VPN connection between your local data center and Oracle Cloud Portal. When no VPN is provided between the source network and the cloud-based Migrate server, a public IP address is required for the source workload to register the workload with the cloud-based Migrate server using secure communications over the public Internet. For deployment information, see Figure 11-1, Cloud-Based Migrate Server for Semi-Automated Migration to Oracle Cloud.

  • Install PlateSpin Migrate Client on the PlateSpin Migrate server or on another machine in the same network as the PlateSpin Migrate server. Migrate Client must be able to connect to the PlateSpin Migrate server.

  • To enable the cloud-based PlateSpin Server to function across NAT-enabled environments and discover source workloads by using secure communications over the public Internet, you must set the AlternateServerAddress PlateSpin Configuration parameter to the public IP addresses of the Migrate server. For information about configuring the AlternateServerAddress parameter, see Section 5.6, Configuring Alternate IP Addresses for PlateSpin Server.

    IMPORTANT:You must set the AlternateServerAddress PlateSpin Configuration parameter to the public IP addresses of the Migrate server only after you prepare the target VM Instance in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and use PlateSpin Custom Image to register it with PlateSpin Migrate Server. For information about registering the target VM instance and configuring migration of workload to Oracle Cloud, see Section 29.2, Configuring Full Migration of a Workload to a Oracle Cloud VM Instance Using the X2P Workflow.

  • Allocate a Public IP address for the Migrate server to ensure that the IP address does not change when the server is restarted.

    NOTE:A change in IP address on the PlateSpin Server breaks the heartbeat communications with source workloads.

  • A Security Group that provides the following inbound and outbound rules.

    Inbound Rules

    • TCP, port 3725, custom

      Provide an address range covering all source workloads.

    • SSH, port 22

      Provide the IP address of the PlateSpin Migrate server.

    • RDP, port 3389

      Provide the IP address of the machine you plan to use to launch an RDP connect to target workloads.

    Outbound Rules

    • TCP, port 3725, custom

      Provide an address range covering all source workloads.

    • HTTPS, port 443

      Provide the IP address of the PlateSpin Migrate server.

    Port 3725 is the default port number for data transfer. By default, the data transfer is initiated from the target workload to the source workload. The port number and direction for initiating the connection are configurable. For information about changing the default port setting, see port 3725 in Section 2.6.3, Requirements for Migration.

  • The minimum network-related prerequisites for a successful migration are:

    • The source and the target workload must be able to communicate with the PlateSpin Migrate server on port 443. The target workload is the replica of the source workload that will reside in Oracle Cloud.

    • The PlateSpin Migrate Server must be able to communicate with the target workload via SSH (TCP/22).

    • The PlateSpin Migrate Client must be able to connect to the PlateSpin Migrate Server over HTTPS (TCP/443).

    • When no VPN is provided between the source network and the cloud-based Migrate server, a public IP address is required for the source workload to allow the Migrate server to discover the workload using secure communications over the public Internet.

    • The PlateSpin Migrate server must be able to communicate with the source workloads on the ports that are used for discovery. See Requirements for Discovery and Section 19.6, Discovering Details for Source Workloads.

    • The cloud-based target workload must be able to communicate (target to source) with the on-premise source workload on port 3725 (TCP).

      The port number is configurable. See port 3725 in Section 2.6.3, Requirements for Migration.

    For detailed access and communication requirements across your migration network, See Access and Communication Requirements across Your Migration Network.