This capsule facilitates the integration of Cloud Service Automation(CSA), Hybrid Cloud Management (HCM), or Hybrid Cloud Management X (HCMX) with Google Cloud platform service to avail the following services: Google Compute and Database services.
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Google GCP Integration content capsule 2.5.0 introduces the following:
Provider selection logic applied to Google Compute Instance service design
You now have the option to choose the providers in the Google Compute Instance service design.
For more information please refer the documentation .
Google GCP Integration content capsule 2.4.1 includes defect fixes.
For more information, refer documentation
Google GCP Integration content capsule 2.3.3 introduces the following new features:
Google GCP capsule now supports creating databases in GCP
For more information please refer the documentation.
Google GCP Integration content capsule 2.2.0 introduces the following new features:
Google Cloud Compute Instance service design is now aligned with UCMDB Class Model
ITOM/UCMDB Class Model is the information model that enables Micro Focus products to integrate using a common language like Configuration Items (CIs) for resources. Customers who provision resources in HCM, CSA, or HCMX can manage them from HCM, CSA, or HCMX. The GCP Capsule has the component templates of Google Cloud Compute Instance that are aligned with the ITOM/UCMDB Class Model.
New properties added
The properties Cloud Instance ID and VM ID are now added to Google server template. The property cloud_instance_id specifies the fully qualified ID of the resource. The property vm_id specifies the VM unique ID.
For more information please refer the documentation.
Google GCP Integration Content Capsule 2.1.2 introduces the following new feature:
For more information please refer the documentation.